For the most part, and even with Miz, the WWE superstars are so good to the fans and everything they do.

When people are funny, I like to let them know that they're funny. There's so much negativity, it's cool to get some positivity out there.

I'm very adamant on social media about recommending comedians to people if they don't know them. I think it's so important to go see them.

I was a huge fan of Jon Lovitz, Dana Carvey, Jan Hooks, obviously Phil Hartman, and a very young Adam Sandler.

My dad used to work a night shift when I was five years old, so I would get up when he went to work and watch Johnny Carson. I remember not knowing what was going on, but loving it.

We are on the road 250-280 days a year at least, and it's something that, if I have a wife and kids at home, I don't know if I could do it.

I do have a personal life. I spend half of the week at home. One of those nights, I'll go out with some friends and have a good time. I have a day and a half at home, and love to just sit on my backyard by my pool, read a book, or do some writing. That's my vacation.

You want to be the best, and you hear a lot of good things about yourself, and then you find out that you're going to debut as a caddy - it's a little gut-wrenching, and it hurt.

My first time actually appearing in a match at SummerSlam was 2010, and I was wrestling against Rey Mysterio in the opening match of the show. I was pretty brand new as Dolph Ziggler, and obviously Rey Mysterio was a well known superstar.

I want to know why people are getting laughs. Why this joke works and why that one didn't work. It all comes back to helping me be a better WWE Superstar. So I love it.

The thing is, in the WWE, we have the WWE title, the World title, the United States title, the Intercontinental title, the Divas title, the Tag Team titles. And I feel like, in this business, when Mr. Perfect had that Intercontinental title, that was the belt we saw as the stepping stone to becoming 'the man.' The franchise of the WWE.

I'm a huge fan of comedy. I write material whenever I can.

I'm not going to be one of those guys who changes, and all of a sudden I'm shaking hands and kissing babies.

If I cannot be the best or operate at the best highest level, then I need to go away.

I've made it clear - I'm not patient at all - several times.

I dare you to put me in a back alley with Randy Orton or someone like that. I guarantee I'm not afraid of someone taller.

Theoretically, the road to WrestleMania is like an election year. The Royal Rumble usually has 30 people in it, which narrows down to 4 and then finally two. Only one of them can go on to the main event.

I want to change the game and break through the nonsense without any Establishment help.

For the longest time, Cena would be, and still is, filibustered by half the WWE universe.

Little kids who get picked on and bullied can relate to the Lucha Dragons, who are smaller, but they're quick and exciting and never give up.

I make sure to write every day, even if it's a little bit.

You don't just go to your bosses and say, 'This sucks. I'm supposed to be winning everything.' If you have an awesome idea or a story, or something great, you go, 'Hey, how about we do this,' but when the story is not you, you have to find a way to make it work.

All of those Shield guys, who came in protected, have done nothing but deliver, in my opinion, and I am a harsh critic of everyone.

I feel that I am better than Roman Reigns, but you know what? He hasn't wrestled as long as I have.