Put 'Cowboy' on every card. I'd be ready to go.

Bull riding is fun, but fighting is it.

Sometimes you just don't show up, and in our profession, it's a bad day.

I just fell in love with the cowboy way of life.

I eat a lot of candy. I can't survive without candy.

The opponent never matters to me. That's something I've always said.

I'm not trying to be anything other than the way I was born and raised.

I thought I would be laying hardwood floors in Colorado - a construction worker. Middle class or working class, that's where I was! I just fought because I loved it. It was so fun! Being able to go in there and outthink your opponents.

I live a wild and crazy life.

The only thing I can do is fight. Win or lose, I'm here every damn time.

You don't have to get ready if you stay ready, alright? I'm always in the gym, always training, all the time.

If you want to be the best, you've got to beat the best. The only problem is when I get that belt, who's going to be left to fight? That's what I want to know.

I know how good I am, and the fans know how good I am.

I am never the favourite, but I live for that.

Dolph Ziggler is a name you'll remember. It will stand out, and you'll know it before you even meet me.

My goal when I first started in the WWE was to stand out.

When you live life like The Nature Boy, there are some monumental highs and, sadly, some unbelievable lows. No matter what happens in his life, he always comes back bigger and better than any of us can even imagine.

A lot of people are successful in this business because of a catchphrase or athletic ability or charisma or wrestling; Ric Flair is the personification of all of those things, much like his daughter Charlotte, as she is already a multiple-time champion after only a few years in the WWE.

Getting the approval of Ric Flair is the wrestling world's version of Johnny Carson calling you over to the desk after you just crushed a standup set on 'The Tonight Show.'

Go to work every day, be the first one in and the last one to leave, and you'll know that you've done everything in your power to make your life better.

Some people are fighting much, much more important battles and much bigger battles, and if we get the chance to put a smile on their face for ten seconds, it's so worth it.

That's always the goal. If you don't want to be the best or have the company on your back with everyone relying on you, then you shouldn't be here.

Some people debut and beat John Cena. Some people debut and lose to R-Truth. That happened to me by count out. So, everything is different.

I'm someone who loses 80 to 90 percent of the time. Even when I lost, I put my body on the line and I told the best story. If I stood out, if my attitude towards fighting was different, I found a way to stay around and keep revamping myself and my character.