Flexibility is youth.

I'm all about health.

For the first 42 years of my life, I was the guy who wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga.

I was the guy from the Jersey Shore, Springsteen country. We don't do yoga there. And we made fun of anybody who did.

I always believed I would be in the Hall of Fame when my career came to an end. I just didn't know when.

When you become a wrestler at 35 and your career takes off at 40, nobody believes in you. But there are some people out there who watch how I did it, and I did it through intense work ethic.

I worked the bar business in Fort Lauderdale.

Everybody has some kind of addiction. It's about how you get around that addiction. First, you have to break the habit like anything. You have to define the hurdle or the objective.

Wrestling is the first reality show. With a reality show, you never what is real and what is not.

You'll never see me in an airport without a DDP YOGA shirt. It says, 'It Ain't Your Mama's Yoga' on the back and 'DDP YOGA' in the front. Every time I walk around, people see the shirt, and it makes them smile.

You rarely see me without a DDP YOGA shirt on. There are times where I wear a regular shirt when I do an interview, and in the middle of it, I go, 'Wait a second. Let me change my shirt.'

You can sit in the chair and do the workout. There's no other program in the world that is like DDP YOGA.

I wrote a book called 'Yoga for Regular Guys.' We made the title of the book funny, but it was actually super serious. We were trying to get regular guys to do yoga. It just kept developing from there, and the concept eventually turned into DDP YOGA. I am so passionate about it.

In my mind, I always felt like I was worthy. I really felt like, with my career and just the way I did it, it was Hall of Fame-worthy.

I live for inspiring people to do things they think they can't. My goal is to completely eliminate the word 'can't' from the equation.

I don't think I'll ever be out of wrestling, because I was that kid at 8 years old that dreamed of being a world champion.

Kevin Dunn is great at what he does.

I don't need to prove anything in that ring anymore. I've done all that.

I was reading at a third-grade level until the age of 30 before I made the decision that I was going to learn how to read.

You can meet me - and I won't disappoint. That's how I am.

I'm a big fan of Denzel Washington, and when I met him, he was just cool. And I was glad.

I'm that guy. The guy that you think I am, I am. Not everybody can say that.

I used to say Page Joseph Falkinburg - which is my given name - when Page Joseph Falkinburg stopped trying to be this over-the-top professional wrestler, Diamond Dallas Page, and Diamond Dallas Page became Page Joseph Falkinburg, that's when my career took off.

I can bend over and put my head between my legs, stick my foot over my head, and stand one leg.