I will greet every person who comes to my workshops and seminars.

I challenge anyone to find a better match than me and Goldberg at Havoc '98. There are few matches that were as physical, exhausting, and psychological as that one.

Everyone is connected to somebody with some type of addiction. It's so ramped now. Everyone has an uncle, a cousin, somebody who has addiction. We all have addiction.

Through wrestling, my second home was Fort Myers, Florida.

I can't tell you how many times I hit that mat, especially that first year, where I said to myself, 'Man, this fake stuff hurts like hell. Do I really want to do this?' And every time, I would come back, 'Yeah, I wanna do this.'

If you teach someone your craft, while you're teaching them, you're going to learn because you're going to get better at teaching, which is going to make you better at whatever you're doing.

When Dusty Rhodes passed away, that hit me hard because I couldn't call him any more. He couldn't bust my chops. He made a huge difference in my life on so many levels.

I had some great matches with 'Macho Man,' but the one at Halloween Havoc in 1997 was intense, and Havoc was the perfect venue for a Last Man Standing Match.

Everybody on top has a ton of haters.

One of my favorite things to do when I wasn't competing was to watch the cruiserweights.

Once I got done with my career, I knew in my soul that I don't have any negative thoughts about myself.

Everything I do, I have a certain amount of pride for.

The elaborate sets and the theme of Halloween Havoc as a whole is what I think really caught the attention of the fans. Add in the explosive contests we had every year at the event, and it was definitely the perfect precursor to Starrcade.

Nobody can pull you down more than you.

Bottom line is, work ethic equals dreams, and I am walking proof that that's a fact.

I'm always like Mickey Mouse with tattoos.

If you say you can or if you say you can't... you're right.

If you say 'I can't,' you'd better add on 'yet.' Once you start to change that inner dialogue, things that would seem completely impossible become possible.

In living life at 90 percent, the formula is life is 10 percent of what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it.

I used to run a night club in Fort Myers, Florida called Norma Jean's Dance Club. That was the hottest spot from Sarasota to Cuba.

In our personal and professional lives, we are constantly hit with one adversity after the other, most of which we have no control over. But the four things we have total control over is how we react, how we adapt, how we breathe, and how we take action.

The one thing about me, if it is a 15-minute fight, I'm fighting every one of them 15 minutes. And if it's a 25-minute fight, I'll be fighting all 25 until the bell rings.

I just have a crazy sense of humor.

I look at all my opponents, and they could be something else. They could go out and get a normal, regular job. I look at myself and I can't do that. I have a strike on my back. I can't have a normal job. So, I've got to fight for everything I've got.