When I blew my back out at age 42, I said, 'Okay, I've got to be more concerned about food and health.'

Originally, when I was introduced to yoga, I kept resisting. I kept saying that I wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga.

I'm not going to have anyone tell me what I can do promoting my product.

I let the WWE control my destiny, and it didn't work out so well.

From wrestling, I learned what I'm not going to do again.

That diamond cutter sign became my moniker.

I didn't develop DDP YOGA for yogis. DDP YOGA is its own animal; if yoga was a bicycle, DDP YOGA would be a Harley.

When you look at me in the beginning of '96 and at the end of '96, I'm two different people.

I'm all about owning your life.

When my career took off like a rocket in '97 - me against the nWo and Randy Savage - I wasn't just a top guy, I was the top guy, and then in '98, I blew my back out.

I started wrestling when I was 35, but my career didn't take off until I was 40.

The run that I had - which really was, like, four months in the WWE - it wasn't great. But my opening day was great. My opening day was humongous. And then WrestleMania was pretty much my closing card. I did one 'Raw' after that, but that WrestleMania 18 match that I had with Christian, that was a hell of a match.

I always saw myself working a WrestleMania.

Wrestling and horror just sort of go together.

Without Dusty Rhodes, there is no Diamond Dallas Page. He took me under his wing and believed in me when nobody did - nobody.

All the competitors knew the importance of Halloween Havoc. It was the WCW equivalent to SummerSlam.

If WCW and Eric Bischoff hadn't brought in the cruiserweights, I don't think the company would have ever gotten to where it was.

The nWo pursued me for a while. To be perfectly honest, I think WCW management purposely kept me off 'Nitro' for a while to keep the nWo from getting to me.

One thing 'The Very Best of WCW 'Monday Nitro'' really captures, which I remember very well about WCW, was how absolutely electric the crowds were.

Relationships are everything; a lot of people say it's who you know and who knows you. I believe it's all about who is willing to step up and say they know you. Who's willing to put their name on the line for you.

No matter how bad or negative it gets, I somehow try to find the silver lining.

I told people I was going to be a wrestler, and they fell down laughing.

I don't want to spoil this for anybody but wrestling, sports entertainment, is 'pre-determined.'

I try to keep my mind full of really positive stuff.