I ain't trying to fight for no title.

It would be cool to let people know that it doesn't matter what kind of background you have in your past, that you can still make something out of your life.

I'm an optimistic guy.

That would be great if I could be a role model or inspiration to those who have been in my shoes before.

I set some goals for myself. I really want to run through this whole heavyweight division.

It's a job to me, basically. I'm not trying to be the best fighter in the world or nothing like that. I don't come in trying to think I am the best fighter. I don't care about none of that. It's just a job to me.

I don't care if I ever fight for the belt or get the belt.

There's nothing I really want to accomplish. I already set my family up pretty good right now.

You've really got to stay ready 24/7. You really can't get ready because there's no telling. They'll call you short notice to fight anyone so you really have to stay ready.

I know Cormier is a wrestler so you really got to get them hips down on him so I've been working them hips really good.

I think Cormier is gonna come out and try to wrestle me, try to get me tired, and try to push the pace. I know he might not say that I'm on his level but I think I am and he thinking that I'm not, really.

Everyone else is a mixed martial artist. I'm not a mixed martial artist, I'm a brawler.

I don't train like a mixed martial artist. I don't respect the sport like everyone else does.

I don't care where I'm at in the heavyweight division. As long as I win enough, so they keep me. That's about it.

For sure, I would love to fight in Houston.

If I'm the champion, the whole UFC division should be ashamed of themselves for a guy that had no damn skills being the champion. They should all just go relocate somewhere.

Bowing and showing respect - I don't give nothing about none of that. I'm just coming in and fighting.

Since I was probably eight years old, just about everyday, all the way until I was 14 or 15 years old, just about everyday my mom and my stepdad would roll around in the living room fighting.

That's what really gets me going, thinking about my past. I think about all the tough times and bad times I've had in my life and I bring all that into the Octagon. That's only because it's hard going in there trying to fight someone who didn't do anything to you.

At first, whenever I first got into the UFC, I was like, 'oh my God, I'm in the UFC.' When you come from where I came from, being in the UFC basically meant I was on top of the world.

I know just about everything that really goes on with domestic violence.

That's usually the way I am - I don't care what my opponent can do. I just focus on myself.

I made my third parole and I believe if I had made it the first time, I wouldn't be here today. I still would've been out there doing stupid stuff.

I don't even train for these fights. I'm not mad when people say that because it's true.