The only reason I want to climb up the rankings - beating the champion and beating guys in the top five - those are the guys that get the endorsements and get the most money and get paid the most. That's the only reason why.

I've been through so much stuff that I hope even my enemies wouldn't have to go through.

I speak my mind too much, and the UFC probably don't really like that. But I really don't care.

My goal is just to make as much money as I can in the sport, and that's it.

George Foreman acts more like my grandfather. He and my grandfather act just alike - they're both Christian type guys. They try to help everyone.

I have a lot of anger built up in me from my childhood. My wife and kids are the only ones who give me peace in this world.

It's like I say all the time, it's the heavyweight division. It doesn't matter if the guys a black belt or if he's a world-class boxer. We still have a 50-50 chance.

You've got to try to find some type of mental edge on your opponent.

In 2010, Strikeforce came to Houston, and DC was something like 5-0 or 6-0, and I'd seen him at the expo. I seen him walking around and I seen he had a pink cast on his hand, and I was like, this guy is way too fat... because he looked shorter and fatter. Because back then I was slim, I was like 235. So, I was like, man, I could take this guy.

I've been having people doubt me all my life.

It's all the stuff I've been through in my life. From family struggles, people doubting me, things I went through as a child and going to prison, they all played a factor in who I am today. It really made me a better person. Going through those situations can make or break you as a human being.

I used to only train 30 minutes a day.

Basically, I guess they just thinking I've been winning my fights just by luck. I just think I've been winning my fights on heart.

I throw so hard because I sit and wait for that perfect moment.

They want to lube their body up really good to make it hard to grab hold; Anderson did a great job defending my takedowns. It's because he was all greased up, so he was able to stop a lot of them.

When I grab guys in the clinch, it's very tough for them to get away and I'm pretty good with my Greco takedown.

I'm not like hurting by any means, but I'm not really, you know, let me say, I'm not really cool with doing fighting just to break even.

I've got good jiu-jitsu skills, good wrestling, good ground and pound, good power on my feet, good strikes.

I've always been a clean fighter, always lifting weights.

I messed up my eyes. It's funny, I was training and we thought I had a mild concussion. But you know, I was out in Albuquerque and I would train from 9:30 to 11:00 and then I would rest all day long until 5:00 and I'd be playing on my phone, so I was playing on my phone and it scrambled my fore-vision.

Uriah Hall is just a dynamic striker. He mixes it up well on his feet, that's where I expect him to be good at.

Uriah Hall is on the level of Anderson Silva's striking.

The UFC is where the best in the world fight at. You got some of the best fighters all across the world. It's the top organization.

I'm a firm believer that I'll make fights happen, get the fights done.