I've changed up my training over the years; I don't lift weights as much as I used to, so I'm built for the cardio now.

Dream fights are just what fans are talking about. We need to see fights that people are actually supposed to see.

I want to have a big year. A big year, big fights, big contract, big money, big everything. 2017 is definitely my year.

Anderson's been here the longest, he brought our sport to the forefront. He's been around, and yeah, I've always been a fan and I've always enjoyed his fighting style.

The fans want to see more. They're there to see fights, they want to see more, they want to see people get put unconscious, whatever. But you can't get put in those spots.

When you have a fighter who's been punched a lot and been knocked out a lot of times, they're not going to be able to recover. They're going to look like they were knocked out.

If I hit anybody with that left hook, they're going down.

No disrespect to Whittaker, I know I can beat him.

I still wanna keep my aggressive ways and let my skills be on display.

I like to be aggressive, I like to finish fights.

I'm a smart guy, I like to think of myself as a smart guy, but sometimes I go out there and do a lot of dumb stuff.

Everybody wants to come out here and test my cardio but I'm one of the hardest working guys in the division.

I've been around. I've fought in the big fights.

Greg Jones, you don't get any better than that when it comes to wrestling. I actually looked up to him when I was in college.

Henri Hooft is a master on the feet when it comes to striking.

There's no easy fights in the UFC.

I've got two little girls, I've gotta do my best by them.

I've been through Strikeforce, UFC now, but I never leave fights busted up.

And honestly, I'm not being cocky, I'm not talking trash, but anybody who beat me would have to get lucky. Nobody is just going to out-technique me.

I look at a lot of my fights and I'm like, 'man, that was too greedy.' I can even look back on my fights, even the good ones where I got the knockouts, and think, 'I should have probably toned it down a little bit.'

I'm always looking for those knockouts but I'm looking to do it in a better fashion. Not rushing, not blitzing, not putting myself at risk. Not just being too greedy.

I used to cheerlead back in high school.

So I've definitely had a crazy career, but I'm starting to put it together and starting to take my time and know that I can really do some damage if I just slow down just a little bit.

Romero, I was beating him two rounds to zero, I was dominating the whole fight. He was able to catch me with a punch with about a minute left. If I would have just danced around for a minute, I would have got that win.