I don't allow people's outlook on me dictate what I do in my life and how I live my life.

I hope people can remember me as the greatest. Who knows?

Me, I'm a working-class man, and I go to my job, put in the work, and walk away clean and unscathed, and I like it that way.

I don't have small goals; I just have goals, and it's, one, stay healthy; and two, have a very successful career.

At the end of the day, I know what my skill set and abilities are, and it's just going to take people a little while to recognize it. Whether that comes around or not, I'm not going to sit here in the corner and pout about it.

If you look at the end of a roll of toilet paper, like the brown paper tube, I basically worked in a factory that made humongous ones like that - for concrete or anything you wanted to put in there. I was the guy who chopped those up into smaller pieces, put them in a box, throw it in a pallet, wrap it up, jump in a forklift and put it on a truck.

I wasn't a person who hated working. When I was working and training, I loved it. I loved that I had to work that hard. I think it transformed into the gym and then transformed into the octagon. It was a good thing.

You have to take the belt, and I dont give my opponents a chance to take my belt. I go out there and take away their opportunity to take my belt away from me.

A lot of people misunderstand what it means to have good cardio. Good cardio is when you are able to push the fight, and I've shown that in all of my fights.

I don't want to say I was ever scared to voice my opinion. I was just trying to make a good example, I guess you could say. And even when I'm more outspoken, I believe that I am still making a good example for younger athletes and also future athletes.

I do have my cheat meals. I have Oreos inside the house right now, and I have beer and fried chicken and waffles. All that good stuff. But once it comes down to when I really want to get in shape and get lean, I'll eat clean and go with whole foods.

For me, I don't need to juice to make weight for my fights. I just do it for the health benefits - to keep my body healthy and to get my greens in me.

We've always been into juicing. It's one of the things that my wife likes to do. She's a vegetarian, so she loves to juice. And I'm a big health freak - well, when I feel like being it.

I wake up around 8:30, 8:45. I eat my breakfast, hit the road by 10 A.M., and get to the gym by 11.

Some days I have off like Thursday and Sunday but typically Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday are dedicated to training if I'm in fight camp.

My mind can't always be on fighting.

I believe me being married, having a life outside of fighting, gives me a mental break.

I'm never going to turn down a fight.

For every champion, after you win the belt, you want to defend it as many times as possible.

I know why the UFC runs the business the way they do. I know why Conor McGregor makes a base pay of $3 million. But I think I justify my pay with my skill set, and I've always been willing to promote my brand.

I guess I'm bothered by how fans react to certain things and how they're interested in certain things over true talent. I've always appreciated talent over everything else.

I think 15 to 18 title defenses is something that would be in the record books forever.

They'll always find somebody for me to fight. Whether I win or lose, they'll find somebody to fight, and I'll compete. I'll make money, and I'll pay my bills.

If somebody goes, 'You should go to 135,' my heart's just not into it.