I don't bash my company. I don't bash my opponents. I don't miss weight.

I'm not looking for people to put that vote on me to be prom king of the UFC.

Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the land; I'm the fastest man in mixed martial arts.

Truly, I am not afraid of one man in this whole UFC Octagon roster. I truly don't care. What's the worst thing that's going to happen to me? I lose. I get knocked out?

I really, truly appreciate Conor McGregor's style - his fighting style and the way he talks. The reason why is because he reminds me of a young Mike Tyson, a young Muhammad Ali, the way he talks.

If you want to see great mixed martial arts, tune in when I fight. If you want to see drama and all of that stuff, you guys can go watch 'Bachelors in Paradise.' They'll give you enough drama you can want to watch.

You look into an encyclopedia and ask what fighter can do any type of martial art at a high-caliber level, my picture will show up.

At one point in time in my career, it was like, 'Oh, he never finishes nobody.' Then, the next thing you know, I'm breaking peoples' arms, making them tap out, and knocking them out. Then, the next thing you know, it's, 'Oh, I don't like his personality.' It's like, 'Okay, well, if you don't like who I am, I can't help you there, buddy.'

Honestly, I would love to fight Henry Cejudo. You've got that gold medalist in the Olympics, I would love to test myself against that.

I don't need to tell any one of you guys that I can do what I can do. I'll just show it to you guys, and if you want a little sneak peak, come watch me work out. That's how I do my thing.

There are things - I want to compete in a big tournament, like an eight-man tournament, like the old fighters. You're going to compete; you're going to fight this one and this one.

I focus on staying healthy, going to the gym, and I go out there and fight.

I never cared who I was going to fight because, at the end of the day, it makes no difference.

Obviously I'd love to see Demetrious Johnson, you know, 'Demetrious Johnson $500,000 payout baby,' absolutely.

I come from one of the great coaches - Matt Hume, Brad Kertson - and my skill set is well-rounded.

I'm very well-rounded. It's mixed martial arts.

I saw Bobby Green and Lando Vannata, and everybody in the back was like, 'Oh, man, that's a sick fight!' And I'm like, 'Dude, look at his face, that cannot be good for his brain.' I'm just honest.

I would have to say fantasy RPG and MMOs are my favorite type of games. I love 'Dark Souls II.' That game is so hard and unforgiving; if you beat that game, you have true skills.

'Super Contra' was the game I fell in love with. I played and beat that game with my mom.

I grew up with a single mom, two brothers, and a sister, and after school, we would play outside then go home for dinner and play videogames together. It's something I enjoy doing, and it's also cheap entertainment compared to a movie or paying for cable. You pay $50 one time for a game, and you can play it as many times as you want.

I'd rather have head stomps and kicks to the head on the ground rather than elbows because I think to kick someone in the head while they're laying on their back is very hard. Elbows are easy. You can be here, and I just cut you and won the fight.

That's one of the things I loved about Pride: the first round was ten minutes.

It's always about bringing in the numbers, the viewership. That's what gets you the money.

I'm the type of fighter who has never made an excuse. I fought with a broken rib, broken leg.