For me, you look at the beginning of his career, the man couldn't even make weight. That's how I found out about Henry Cejudo to begin with. 'Oh, Henry Cejudo misses weight again.' I'm like, who's this guy who keeps missing weight. When the UFC signed him, I was like, 'Great, you guys signed another guy who can't make 125.'

When I got into this sport, I thought all I had to do was beat people and finish fights, and everything else would take care of itself.

I want the whole world to watch me fight. But you know if people are just tuning in to hear me trash talk are not fight fans.

Yes, I'm known as the most technical fighter in the world, and I'm going to keep that as my brand.

You're starting to see a lot of fighters, like, 'We want more money so we can be able to retire eventually,' instead of, we get to 30 years old, and we're like, 'Alright, I think Costco has openings.'

I think the only person who will ever lose in a fight and still end up making a million dollars is Conor McGregor - that's just because of how his contract is structured or whatever.

Look at my track record for showing up to fights. Look at my track record of finishing fights. Look at my track record of getting fight night bonuses. Ask yourself if you think that if the UFC decided to truly put marketing dollars behind me that they couldn't sell me or my fights.

As a fighter, I pay very close attention to the amount of marketing that goes into and around my fights, and I can tell you that you'd be hard pressed to find much that has been done to promote me outside of 'TUF 24,' which was minimal in comparison to other fights, fighters, and shows.

UFC has failed to market and promote me appropriately.

That's all I care about is being healthy.

Honestly, just all the love and respect from the fans, that's always the biggest thing that puts a smile on my face.

I do not like getting hit. I can take a hit, but I don't want to damage my brain if I don't have to.

I'm just a small guy.

I don't like to disrespect people or my opponents. Anything can happen.

Pay-Per-View is run by drama. It is. It's true. I've done the research for myself. You look at Jon Jones. When Jon Jones fought Machida, probably did about $200,000, $300,000. When he fought Cormier, they made, like, $875,000.

I'm a good dad. I'm an evolved dad. You know, you see a lot of guys when they're in training camp, they go off, do their own thing. But I'm in the midst of it. Swim lessons? I'm there. Changing diapers, teething, doctor's appointments, I'm there 24/7.

I think the reason I'm the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world is I beat everyone in my division.

I can eat whatever I want, and I don't get over 145 pounds. A lot of the guys who fight at 125 pounds, they get pretty big, and when it gets closer to the fight, they're walking around at 135 pounds. For me, I try to stay the same weight I typically walk around at.

I always loved playing video games. It was something my mom did, and my sister played as well.

I worked a full-time job at a place call Caraustar. We recycle paper, then through recycled paper, we take it and we make V board out of it. If you buy a TV, a new couch, you see these little V boards that make like a V.

I'm not going to go out there and have these slugfests, but I'll go out there and dominate my opponent. That's what I do in my fight.

That's the beautiful thing about mixed martial arts - and I'll tell people that - you have to think outside of the box.

I don't care if my opponents are cheating or not.

MMA has the rudest, most negative, dumbest, ignorant fans in the world - but it also has the most passionate fans in the world.