I know a lot of guys say that when they are younger - 'I'm gonna get it, get my money, and get out' - and then end up wrestling until they're 50. But that could end up being me, too. I can tell you I want to get out early and end up eating my own words. All of a sudden, I'm 50, and I'm still walking out there.

The WWE Championship is the greatest championship in the history of this sport. It has the most history of anything.

There are times when you got to put a little 'extra' in, especially on a card at WrestleMania or SummerSlam because it's no time to hold anything back. You have to pull out all of the stops.

In North America, there aren't too many big places to go, so you find that pretty much all of the best talent in the world ends up filtering through WWE.

I think NXT has opened up the doors for a lot of guys to come in and create different opportunities.

People can see through crap pretty easily. Just go out there and be comfortable. Be you. Be authentic.

I wasn't 'gifted' in the way that Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns or somebody like that is gifted, in that they got the physical attributes and so forth.

For me, wrestling was an escape. It was like a way out.

Threats mean nothing to me.

I've suffered through the worst possible conditions.

I like to live a spoiler-free life.

I can't imagine, I can't get in the mind of a wrestling fan who wants to break news that spoils a surprise for somebody. Would you want a surprise spoiled?

I'm Vince McMahon's favorite wrestler; quote me.

I'm big into mountain biking.

I don't know if I would ever sleep well again if I actually saw a ghost. If they exist, that's fine. I just don't want to see one.

I don't like the water. I'm a land guy.

I put in the same hours to get good at this as a surgeon who went to college. It's just a much less important job in the realm of society.

What I do in WWE is essentially a lovable bad guy.

I might be the only guy in WWE who isn't acting ever.

There's a lot of guys in WWE - you would know who they are - you know you're going to see the same thing every single match. You know you're going to hear the same thing every time they pick up a microphone. You know John Cena is never going to get mad at you no matter what you do.

There is a noticeable difference from a crowd surging against you and a crowd surging with you.

A lot of people feel they spend enough time watching me go through the good, the bad, and the ugly, so they feel like they know me and are a part of it. I'm kind of like a part of people's families. You can't buy that kind of connection with people.

I can't remember a time when wrestling wasn't my thing that I watched. As far back as my memory goes, I was already obsessed with wrestling.

I have no fear of anybody or anything happening to me in WWE because nothing can be as bad as some of the injuries I went through and some of the grotesque things that have happened to my body.