Each time I'm training and sparring, I'm always pushing myself to submit my training partners.

I want my performance to be at the highest level of anybody in the company. I want to make everybody step up to me.

If you're a wrestling fan, and you watch it on TV, that's great, but there's nothing quite like being there live.

The calmest part of my day is right before a match.

I listen to some Hank Williams before I go out. I tell some jokes. I have fun. I don't waste too much energy thinking about it - I like to save that all for the ring.

I'd rather have too many weird fans than no fans at all.

As far as social media and all that, I understand connecting with fans on a different level, but I don't feel the need to open myself up to the opinion of everybody in the world with a phone or computer. I just don't get that, being connected to everybody on such a superficial level like that. It's not really for me.

I probably don't have any more of a bigger following on the Internet than anybody else does - I just probably have a stranger one.

You're always going to get comparisons. Everybody comes out and says, 'He's the next so and so,' or, 'He reminds me of so and so.' I have so many influences and stuff in my brain, who knows what's going to pop in and come out.

I don't really try to pattern myself after any particular person. I pretty much make it up as I go along.

Having that main event load to carry is very comfortable for me. Anything less is uncomfortable.

I've always fed off negativity and wanting people to hate me. That attitude really fueled me for my entire career. So being a guy that people like and want to cheer for is the weird part.

I'm trying all kinds of crazy stuff at house shows just for my own amusement and to see what the people are gonna do.

I like to fly close to the edge. I like to play with fire.

When you're going in there with Brock Lesnar, you can't have anything else on your mind.

It's not like I'm not constantly dealing with a litany of injuries that I have myself. If it's not one thing, it's another thing, but I've just been able to keep rolling.

I keep myself flexible; I just compete at my normal body weight.

In the back of my mind. I always knew WWE was where I should be and where I would end up. Or where I could end up. Where I deep-down wanted to end up.

I may not be the biggest guy in the world or strongest guy in the world. I don't have those gifts. But I will take more punishment, and I'm willing to withstand more abuse.

I always take pride in the fact that nobody can mess with me, and I never let anybody mess with me my entire life.

The history of the business is very fascinating to me.

I'm really into rock climbing and hiking and stuff.

There is no creative process to come up with a character of Dean Ambrose.

I kind of miss that whole NXT thing. When I was there, it was Florida Championship Wrestling with Seth Rollins and the other guys who were there. I wrestled on, like, local-access Florida TV in front of 30 people. It was a tiny little situation.