I rose to the top real quick, and I was surrounded by Triple H, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, these guys who were very well respected in the profession, and they wanted to work with me, so I knew I was doing something right.

I was even more of a fan of Jake The Snake than I was of my dad when I was a kid, and that's because of the snake. Jake used to have his snake, Damien, out in the locker room slithering around the showers. In the locker room, they would actually block off one of the showers just so Damien could roll around, and I'd sit there and watch him.

I firmly believe that without the fans, I wouldn't be where I am. I'm truly fortunate to be relevant for a very long time, and it's because of them wanting to see more of me.

Cena, one-hundred percent, bleeds WWE, and he always will. I know that much about him.

I have a lot of respect for Brock. I was down in OVW with him, and I was there a few months before he came. We all knew he was coming, but when he came, he was humble and a fun guy to be around.

I think the biggest thing - when it comes to injuries and stuff, travel has a big part in that, because after a match, guys hit the road, and they're in a sitting position. They're not able to ice up or do whatever they have to do therapy-wise.

I want to keep active, so when they called me to fight Nate Diaz, I agreed because I wanted to stay active. I got a little surprised because he was out so long, but he's a tough opponent.

Every fight and every loss taught me something.

I always trained hard in my life to win the title, and I will train twice as hard to stay at the top.

I want people to remember me as a guy who works hard.

I want to do that. That's my goal. I want to become a legend.

I came from the bottom. Now I'm the main event and UFC champion.

I'm the best in the world; thank you, Jesus, for that.

I think every fight is different based on who is fighting.

Every night that I put my head on the pillow, I go to sleep knowing that I can do more. I'm working toward perfection. I'm trying to be the best ever.

I breathe martial arts every day of my life.

I'm an aggressive fighter, but I'm smart. I'm not going to play stupid.

I'm looking to make history.

I'm confident, motivated.

The future is out of my hands; it is in God's.

I wouldn't be where I am without Evolve.

You can promote fights - of course, you have to - you can say 'I'll beat you' or whatever, but you cannot put family, religion, anything like that in the mix. You need to separate things. That is a line a lot of fighters cross.

I'm a big fan of Georges St-Pierre.

I am surrounded by great people.