When I'm in the gym, different training partners tell me that I've got great conditioning, and I tell them, 'Really? Because, I'm dying here.' I think that I'm just as tired as anyone; I just push myself mentally.

I've been on both sides of the boos.

I'm an emotional fighter; that's no secret. But it can be detrimental.

Anderson Silva kind of took the best part of Rich Franklin out of his soul, and he was never the same again.

Back then in the early '90s, people weren't calling it MMA - we called it Knockdown Sport Budo.

I beat Anderson Silva and then Luke Rockhold, who was, pound-for-pound, one of the best. Now I get to do Dan Henderson, who is a legend in the sport.

Fighting at home does bring pressure - of course it does. But I've always thrived on that.

I have nothing against America; I love spending time there. I fell in love with the country the very first time I went out there, and I have a lot of fans in the U.S.

I love the way of life out in California, and I've made a lot of friends out there. The food is amazing.

I don't need their love. If they want to boo, let them boo.

I have been involved in this sport since I was eight years old, so, hopefully, I can train and coach athletes down the line.

I am proud to be the first British champion, and headlining MSG is a testament to all the hard work.

Big respect to Dan Henderson.

The more in shape you are, the harder you can push yourself.

It seems like every problem you can have with an eye, I had.

I used to be weak - as did all British fighters - with wrestling, because we don't have high school wrestling or college wrestling here.

People give me advice all the time, and I don't take a blind bit of notice.

Once I started fighting in UFC, things took a big U-turn. After my second fight, I came home and paid my mortgage off.

My best weapon is probably my speed. I am faster than most middleweights, and I know how to use it.

I started learning jiujitsu when I was eight years old. I had a lot of success and won ever competition I even entered.

'The Ultimate Fighter' has found lots of great talent.

I've already been KO'd, embarrassed. Nothing is going to be worse than that, so what's to be scared of?

I think it's just in human nature: if you've got two guys fighting, and you don't really know them, you're going to root for the guy who comes from your country.

If you want to boo, that's your right. Boo. Go ahead. Boo me all day long.