I don't need others to push me. I push myself.

I'm not homophobic in the slightest. I have lots of gay friends.

I haven't seen any of the Cung Le movies, but I have seen the Cung Le Q&A that he did in San Jose, and I've got to say that was pretty hard to watch. That was pretty cringeworthy. Listen: stick to kicking; sticking to kicking eggs and setting Guinness World Records, because entertaining a crowd certainly isn't your thing.

Ultimately, when two professionals meet, I don't really see the location as being a defining factor. If you're a psychologically weak fighter, maybe it would be. But if you're a seasoned pro, it doesn't really come into it.

I'm generally an optimist, but of course, when you've been with the UFC for a decade and still not had a title shot, there is a little part of you that wonders if it will ever happen.

What matters - the only thing that matters - is winning. It's nice to entertain the fans and to gain new ones, especially from the States, but on the night... that's all that matters.

Best move is probably the flying knee I used in the Ultimate Fighter semi-final v Ross Pointon in 2006.

I've beaten a lot of great fighters, but people say the big ones, I've lost them all. I don't want to go down as a guy who loses his big fights.

I'm a fighter through and through, and I've got more heart and more determination than anybody.

I've had ups and downs in my career, and if you look at it as a bookmaker, the odds of me becoming a world champion were never in my favour, but I never stopped believing in myself and never stopped trying.

I never turned down a fight in my life.

Aldo is a hell of a champion.

I love food. I love eating. I love it a lot, man.

A nutritionist is expensive, but it's money well spent.

People get some success, they get some money, they get some power, and they put themselves on this pedestal above other people. They forget people and try to fit in with their new crews they think they need to be around with. I didn't believe that. I'm still human being.

Too many guys are over here begging for people and trying to chase people to fight, this and that, begging for money fights. You become your own damn money fight.

I did an interview for MMA Hawaii when I was growing up, and I told them the guys I want to fight are Anthony Pettis and Jose Aldo.

Conor McGregor set this bar, and I'm trying to break it. If you're not trying to break it, then why are you in the game?

I'm trying to lead the pack. I'm trying to sprint.

I believe I'm the best guy in the world.

I tell myself, 'I'm the greatest, and this is what you need to do.'

I might even be at heavyweight one day; I don't know. You guys know our eating habits is bad down in Hawaii, so your boy might get big, and we might make history.

If I medically can't make the weight, then I'm not going to force my body to do something that it doesn't want to. I'll gladly go up to '55.

This is what champions do: champions defend. They always say you're not a champion until you defend your title.