Maybe when I'm done fighting, I'll open a gym and manage fighters and train fighters.

I'm not going to please everyone; not everyone's going to like me. I accepted that a long time ago, and if I had to shed a tear every time I got a hate email, believe me, I'd be severely dehydrated.

I was a big fan of martial arts movies - Bruce Lee in particular, as cringeworthy as it is. Jean-Claude van Damme was a big inspiration as well - it's a little embarrassing.

When everybody fought Anderson Silva in the past, they were terrified of him. Absolutely terrified. That's part of the reason why he was so successful.

I want to be liked; I just haven't lost sleep over it.

As the UFC was getting bigger and bigger, I realized it was a potential career there, and that's what I did.

I always wanted to be the champion, and I had belief in myself that I could achieve it. But along the way, of course, you've also got to be a realist. You lose a couple of fights here and there, and you think maybe it's not going to happen.

People say sometimes that I'm distracted. I'm not distracted. I'm being smart. I'm capitalizing while the iron is hot. That's why I'm trying to do movies. I do the podcast. I do a radio show. I work on FOX. I have a gym; I have a lot of things going on. That's because when I'm done, I want to be set up.

It's going to take more than one loss for me to hang up my gloves; that's for sure.

It seems, whenever there are two Brits fighting in the UFC, we always seem to put on a good fight.

I hate it when people call me a cage fighter. I'm a mixed martial artist. But people take one look at what we do, and they just start making assumptions.

I hit as hard and as fast in the first week of camp as I do in the last week of camp. So it doesn't matter if it's two weeks' notice or 10 weeks' notice.

You can push my buttons all you want and say whatever you want about me, and that's fine... fighters do that.

I just like doing normal things, going to the shops in Manchester, getting a meal with my girlfriend and kids, going to the cinema. I love Las Vegas and there places, but I couldn't live there.

I'm in a sport where, on their day, anyone can beat anyone else if they are at the top of their own game.

I'm very happy with my wrestling.

I hate the expression, 'I'm not fake.'

I used to do traditional weapons training, and I wasn't bad with a sword.

A long time ago, I had a bird that annoyed me, and the bird had to go. The bird's neck was snapped. I would also snap Conor McGregor's neck in a similar fashion.

There will always be a place for 'The Ultimate Fighter.'

Patrick Cote, that would be one way traffic. I'd destroy the guy.

Let's be honest: I don't want to walk out to boos. I always want to be cheered, like anyone, and I've been very lucky over the years to have a lot of support. Coming to America, I'm always the away guy, and so people thought their guy had to take me out, and they boo.

UFC has done a fantastic job of establishing the biggest leading brand in mixed martial arts. Years ago, many people didn't know what MMA was nor understand the sport.

The underdog status suits me just fine.