I was probably one of the top three or four wrestlers in the world on the indies, just killing it. Nobody really saw me going to a bigger company because of my past and just how people view me.

I'm pretty sure I could beat Tyron Woodley. Nothing against him.

To me, the more the merrier. The more times I can get in that ring and get in front of a crowd and wrestle, the better.

Crowds are always different, but I know I have hardcore fans who watch everything I do online, so I have to make sure every match is different.

When I was in the UFC, I would get tickets for a fight, and then what I would do is go in the crowds and watch the rest of the fights. A lot of times, I would end up taking pictures and signing people's books. I didn't care if I got any money or anything. I was just there enjoying my time and watching the fights.

Pro wrestling fans love what they watch, and they go out to enjoy and have fun.

I'm down to fight anybody at any given time, anywhere.

My goal isn't to be one of the best; it's to change the game, to change the way things work.

I feel like I started with wrestling, and a love of pro wrestling, that lead me to MMA and the UFC. And now it's come full circle back to pro wrestling.

The first time I was in a ring with William Regal, I called him 'Bro,' and from there, everyone just kept saying 'Bro' to me. I kept saying 'Bro,' and before I knew it, I was deemed The King of Bros.

It doesn't matter if you're the best wrestler in the world and can do every move perfectly; if you don't connect with the crowd or sell well or have good promos, nobody cares.

Living in my parents' house is pretty sweet. It's not like they're rich or anything, but they're pretty nice to me, so it was pretty good living there, too, and all I did was jujitsu. I was just like a stallion, just living on my parents' couch. It wasn't terrible.

I'm always learning, always trying new things, because you have to to stay fresh.

My goal isn't just to make wrestling into a bigger show and make good money, but it's also to evolve pro wrestling to where I think it belongs.

I have to say, running in flip-flops through the airport can be pretty tricky.

Growing up, I was always a fan of wrestling, but I was also a fan of MMA and stuff.

I like to hit hard, I like to be hit hard, and I like really competitive matches. That's my take on pro wrestling.

Growing up, my family wasn't really into sports, so we didn't really watch sports, and then one day I stumbled across the TV: pro wrestling.

I'm usually just so laid back most of the times.

Wrestling is one of the hardest things, and it has nothing to do with the extremely hard physical part of it. It has to do with the psychological part of it.

There's nothing worse than a bunch of toothless, ignorant people yelling at you. It's horrible.

Not only do I have fun in the ring, but I have fun walking out to the ring. I have fun walking away from the ring.

I'll be honest, when I first started pro wrestling, everybody else did clotheslines better than me. They did everything about pro wrestling better than me. But when it comes to fighting, getting nitty and gritty, I'm the man.

In sports entertainment, you can be larger than life.