If I do make WWE - because in my head, until it's official, it's not a thing - I think if they brought me in, it would be very short lived at NXT, and I'd be on main roster extremely quick.

My goal is to make wrestling more like mixed martial arts.

When I started doing pro wrestling, it wasn't the physical aspect doing the moves or taking the moves that was hard: it was interacting with the crowd, body movement, selling, getting that emotional attachment with people so they're invested in a match. That was the hard part.

I'm a shark, and I swam in a lot of different ponds, but I'm ready for the ocean.

MMA is like the Colosseum in Rome: the fans want to see violence.

Take into consideration I get to play-fight in my underwear every week, and I get paid very well to do it.

I'm just tired of the unethical people, the scumbags, all that. Maybe that's how all businesses are run, but in MMA, I've been in the UFC, Legacy, and Bellator. The UFC was the best, and even they didn't treat you that well.

Even when you're on top in the UFC, you only get paid a couple times a year.

In pro wrestling, if somebody throws a move, it's my job not to get hurt but also to sell the move and make it look like I'm dying.

I am me. I've always been a character, and my character's story lives into pro wrestling.

I love working with new guys, especially MMA guys.

I know I'm skilled - I know my background - and the people who are familiar with my credentials know better than to try me.

I like wrestling the bigger guys, personally, because I can lay into them harder, and they can dish it back out.

Any match with Keith Lee is definitely circled on my calendar.

I'm about great competition. That's why I can have a great smile beforehand and connect with the crowd, and then, when I get in the ring, I flip that switch.

My parents told me if I wanted to fight, they wouldn't support me.

At the end of the day, I'm a SmackDown Superstar.

If I'm going somewhere to work, I'm there to work as hard as I can, put out the best product possible, and help any way I can along the way.

I want to be one of the wrestlers that actually gave back, that actually cared about the industry. That's very important to me.

TNA has been extraordinary to me, nothing but professional.

TNA has had a lot of great periods - Hulk Hogan even came in, but I don't think he was beneficial to TNA. They spent a lot of money on him, but made a lot of mistakes. They should have saved that money for me.

Your true friends will tell you what they believe is true.

I've always gotten along pretty well with people.

I'm one of those people who want to give back and see other people do better.