'Wrestlemania 34' was a great moment, winning that Andre the Giant Battle Royal, and I got to bring my creation - the Ultimate Deletion - to 'Raw' in the main event slot. Lot of cool stuff I've got to do.

Things that I had created or morphed into, I almost became. I felt like a broken man having to go back to plain old Matt Hardy in many ways.

Personally, I am very glad that Jeremy Borash is here in WWE. He's got a great mind - a very creative person, a good friend of mine - and he just deserves to work here.

I love wrestling. That's not going to change.

My Destroyed Universe is very similar to that of the 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'

One of the fun things about wrestling is that you can do a move and leave your stamp on the business forever.

Once we went off into the singles world, I noticed there is something very unique about Brother Nero. People are drawn to him, and he has intangibles and charisma that cannot be emulated or duplicated.

All I can say is that 'Raw' is an amazing show.

I like Dixie Carter as a person a lot. I think she's great.

Everything we do in the 'Woken' universe is so fantastical that wrestling fans, especially younger kids, who only know Matt Hardy from tag team matches or Team Xtreme or whatnot, they need to learn what I am before we can start expanding.

Many people found 'Mattitude' absolutely delightful. As time went on, it was a constant evolution of change.

A dream match, for me, would be to bring Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman to the Hardy compound and face them in the Beastly Deletion.

When the Seven Deities let me know what I must do to be complete again - even though I will be stronger and more than just a regular mortal man - I will fulfill that mission and become whole once more.

My soul existed in an African vessel hundreds of years ago as the leader of a tribe, and my tribe fought for honor.

Honestly, it's such a personal issue, I really don't think my feud with Edge will ever end. It's almost comparable to the Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels thing. There is just such legit hatred between the two guys.

People make mistakes, and either you fall from your mistakes, or you learn from them.

Wrestling isn't easy. It's like a car crash. I wish they would give guys a few weeks off. I think guys need to take mandatory time off. I know it's tough when they need to promote the key names, but they need to keep guys healthy.

My goal is go out, try and be an entertainer, try to have the best match I can but be smart about it. If people are enjoying it, enjoying what I'm doing, then that's awesome because I'm enjoying what I'm doing, and I'm very passionate about what I'm doing.

I would delete Donald Trump. I would delete Hillary Clinton. I would delete the man who was responsible for Brexit.

I wouldn't have been so successful if I didn't have such a tremendous groundswell in support from my fans.

I'll never forget the reaction the WWE Universe gave me at 'WrestleMania 33' and my return - it was truly one of the greatest moments of my career.

Every night you go out there, you get hurt. It's really the easiest way to say it. People can describe wrestling however they want to, but your body is flesh and bone, and it's not meant to be slammed on wood and steel.

As you evolve, you learn that wrestling is not necessarily about stunts or spots. You need to go out and show the audience that they can love you for the persona you are - not because of the risk you're willing to take or the jeopardy you're willing to put your body in.

The only things that matter to me are the TNA World Heavyweight Title, my bank accounts, my family, and those who support me.