One thing I have to admit, regardless of what my character thinks, is that EC3 is a very talented individual. He is going to be a cornerstone of Impact Wrestling for a long time.

It is very rewarding to be allowed to have my broken universe fill the two hours of Impact Wrestling.

Every day is great when your name is Matt Hardy.

House Hardy - myself and Brother Nero - are pioneers. My style of booking during early independent bookings was very similar to what 'Ring of Honor' later became, which is what WWE later became.

I've accomplished everything I ever wanted to do in my career.

I am willing to do business and I'm willing to play ball with anyone, for I am very open-minded.

I just want to enjoy every moment and try to be present in the moment of whatever I'm doing at that time.

Everyone is broken; every mortal man or woman is broken in some way, shape, or form.

A lot of fans don't accept me because I became a star in the WWE, but that adds credibility and equity to the TNA title.

When everything is stripped away in life, everybody is a human being that has problems, that has issues, has flaws, that isn't perfect. It doesn't make a difference what your sex is, what your sexual preference is, what your race is or what your background is. If you're a good person, you're OK in my book.

I want to take chances. I want to kind of step out of my comfort zone, whatever that may be.

When I wrestle as a tag team with my brother, it's always great because we realize as our bodies, our vessels, age, we know we can't do this forever.

Father Time is the enemy none of us can beat.

The most important thing any broken individual can do is keep their chin up and keep moving forward.

I actually find fondness and appreciation for the Bray Wyatt. I see that he is driven by a higher power, much like I am driven and motivated and inspired and given strength by the Seven Deities.

I don't have an end game. Being a celestial being, I live for the moment to fight the Great War, and that is to light the darkness.

My broken brilliance will shine a light in the darkness.

A McDonald's cheeseburger with no mustard is my guilty pleasure.

Love isn't a switch you can turn on and off. You just can't get rid of it, regardless of the circumstances, if you truly love someone.

I get along with Eva Marie really well, I think she's really cool and I get to hang out with her a lot and she's a lot of fun to be with.

Total Divas' is all about us women backstage and our personal lives.

I'm playing a character in the WWE, but people think that's really us.

I believe that Maryse's persona was the best female persona in years within the WWE.

It's funny - before, I would say I'm not sure I can change a diaper in my life and now it's, 'I got this, I'm a mom, I got this, I know what to do.' It's weird, you just get into this protective mode.