It's so weird to say, 'What am I going to do during Mother's Day?' because usually I'm celebrating my mom or sister who has kids. It's just weird to say I am a mom.

I love fashion, I love trends.

Our favorite thing to do is stay at home. We're always on the road doing something, so being able to have one night off at home is perfect.

I always wanted a cheese wheel.

I've been on television for so long.

I love playing a character.

I was born and raised in Laval and my first memory of the Canadiens was their rivalry with the Nordiques and that series in the 1993 playoffs. I was only in grade school but I remember everyone going crazy about the Canadiens that year.

Wow, my parents are frickin' cool.

L.A. is home for us.

Eating is 80 percent of everything. Working out for an hour is really easy, but the rest of the day is 23 hours and that's the hardest part.

A HITT workout is basically three to four complexes and a complex is about three exercises that you can do about three to four times with no rest. Your heart rate is always up and you're lifting weights.

We don't know how many kids we want, but I think we'll keep trying until we have a boy.

If there's one thing I don't care about, it's what people say on the Internet.

I've seen every bad or mean comment related to what I do for a living, and I'm used to it.

Let me put it this way, I lived in L.A. for 10 years and did not know my neighbors.

It's difficult, it's a fine line when you're a mother and a career woman because that's what we do, we do it all.

I'd like to get my character to point where people really, truly want to fricking kill me.

I don't take anything seriously. But Maryse's ring character is like, 'you want to look like me, be like me, have everything I have but you can't.'

I travel 300 days a year which is tough. Sometimes we're up at 4 A.M. for a flight.

I was away from my husband for many years when I wasn't with WWE, and that was the hardest thing.

I love people that can talk and have personality.

I knew in my heart that I wanted to leave WWE for a long time.

I'm a business woman.

I had a really great career, a long run.