My old man was ruthless. He terrorised us.

My brain is fine.

There is nothing wrong with my health. Who doesn't forget things from time-to-time? Who out there has never stuttered or slurred a word at some point?

Everyone's a world class ground fighter until they get a punch to the face.

I'm not a liar. I'm a pretty straight up person.

At the end of the day, I'm one of the greatest fighters on the planet.

They can be King Kong, Godzilla, or whatever - I don't care what they have. Once you get a punch in the face or a knee in the head, all of those skills are gone.

I'm never confident about anything, especially with law.

I do watch some of my losses, but it just makes me think, 'Well, you know, should have done this; could have done that.' But that's why I don't like watching it. It's a shoulda/coulda/woulda thing.

My memory is not that good anymore.

I never lose a rematch.

Knowing and assuming are two different things.

Everyone wants to be UFC champion, and that's my goal and my dream.

For me, with fighting, I'm not going to have any regrets. I'm throwing down to the very end.

I'm not gonna waste my money watching two cheaters fight. Why would I? They're cheaters, in the end. That's basically all they are. They should get nothing.

I got injuries already from fighting from guys that have been cheating. And you're never the same when you get injured like that. I mean, look at my hand. It's broken, it's got 16 screws in it. I'm not as strong in this hand. It just affects you, especially this body being my livelihood.

Every loss I take, I've accepted, and I move on.

You've got Jon Jones, for instance. That guy is the best, one of the best fighters in the world, but he's a cheater.

I won the world title in K-1 as a nobody.

I've still got my senses about me, and I know what's right and wrong, which is the main thing.

I love fighting.

I've done it my whole life: as a kid, when people made fun of you, I put positive stuff in there to keep me going.

You can hear me starting to stutter and slur my words.

I'm always going to be a New Zealand fighter. I'm a Kiwi, of course, and I've still got my New Zealand passport.