I never turned down any fight. I'm always up for the opportunity.

I was K-1 world champion.

At the end of the day, none of us are really promised tomorrow anyway.

Sometimes I don't sleep well.

What my thing is, I tell most of the time the truth, and sometimes it's good for me, sometimes it's bad. But, it's true.

Every fight could be my last.

I've built a career in one of the toughest, most ruthless industries in the world. You can't do that unless you're completely with it.

My whole career's been an underdog's.

I'd like to fight and get close to that title shot - that's all I'm interested in. My whole purpose is to fight for the world title.

If you don't like to be hit, you're in the wrong sport.

Whenever I start something, I try to finish it.

Knocking someone out cold means you just caught them, that's all.

If I get the boot out of the UFC, I'll still continue to fight.

A loss is just a loss. You get up again, dust yourself off, go at it again regardless of the circumstances. That's the way I look at it.

In the end, I think everyone should be treated fairly.

I have, like, 12 screws in my hand.

Yes, I was a bully. But the scrapping on the streets was my way of dealing with the anger I felt towards my parents.

It's always discouraging to lose. You look at it and think, 'Man, what's going on?' It's always discouraging. But I'm a fighter. I don't like to quit.

I'm knocking fools out. I'm beating guys because that's what I was born to do.

Anyone who knows me knows how sharp my mind is. I speak at a thousand miles an hour. I'll hold a discussion or a debate with anyone.

All I've ever said I need is an opportunity. Give me a chance, and I'll take it with both hands and run with it.

I've been training jiu-jitsu for a while. It just didn't really click in my brain. Maybe sometimes I get a bit lazy. By the time I realize I'm in trouble, I'm already caught. You can't really think about it. You've got to just react as it happens.

Mentally, I could fight forever. I feel I'm the best fighter on the planet. My mind says I can fight forever, but physically, I won't be able to do it.

Most of the neighbours didn't like our parents, and they particularly gave Dad a very wide berth. We kids didn't have that luxury.