Our fans - they wanna see you, so give the fans what they want.

I'm a firm believer in not leaving people out to dry.

If I am in it, I want to win it. I am not here to look pretty.

Eventually, you've got to go from being a talent to being a guy that makes talent.

Antonio Cesaro is beyond naturally strong. He trains hard, but he's got that strength you don't expect him to have.

I grew up learning from guys like Ron Simmons and Owen Hart. They were like mentors to me, so I was able to embrace what they taught me, and I think I did alright.

I want people, when they remember me, to think of the Hall of Pain, when I was catching guys, 275 pounds. Picking up Big Show, close to 500 pounds, over my head and driving him through a table.

I always see what I did wrong, what I could do better.

I love fashion. Actually, funny story, I used to give the 'Esquire Big Black Book' to young wrestlers when they would join the WWE, because they needed to know how to dress.

So many things come with your maturation process. I changed throughout my time with WWE from a kid in his 20s into a man.

People think our business is this completely fictional world of big guys in tight clothes with no brains. That's not the way it is; this is a psychology-driven business. You have to take people on an emotional ride without using words.

I love the WWE, I love the company, but I have two kids, and they want me home. They want me to see their recitals and sporting events, and I want to see them grow and evolve.

I had a bunch of people who kinda looked out for me. You know, gave me the words of wisdom.

I enjoyed my time working with Mae Young; she was one of the coolest, most respected people that I ever met in the industry.

I've had five surgeries that could have ended most people's careers. But because of the fact that I'm resilient and have a lot of pride, I refused to let myself go out except on my terms. An injury is not going to take me out.

Leo Burke was an unbelievable trainer. Him and Tom Prichard. Tom Prichard was not a big guy. And I learned a lot from him.

I was a big kid my whole life. I grew up among big people. My brother was a big kid. I didn't really feel like a big kid. Except for the teachers, who pretty much didn't want me to squish any of the other kids.

I had the pleasure of learning how to wrestle long matches and use psychology.

The Undertaker's theme isn't really a single, but in terms of eerie music, you can't beat it.

People say, 'Oh Mark, you're a big softie, and you burst into tears so easily.'

Around 2015, I started to see my skills diminish. It happens to everybody. Father Time is undefeated. He is gonna win every time, and I saw him catching me.

I understand marketing. I understand licensing. I understand the business side of our business. That comes from paying attention and wanting to do better, not just as an in-ring performer but as someone who loves the industry.

My brother and I loved to body-slam each other when we were kids. We tore up a lot of furniture.

I never in my career did appearances, like where you go and sign autographs, and you do the comic-cons and all of that stuff, because I wanted, when I stopped wrestling, to go and do that stuff and have it really mean something to somebody, that it hadn't been watered down.