The Rock moved in with me at my apartment, and we trained together after that.

I will be the most marketable of anybody to come through weightlifting ever. With my personality and my size, I mean, I can make people buy things, try what I say.

When somebody says I can't do something, it motivates me to do it.

I had to decide whether I should try to play pro football after high school or try to pursue my powerlifting career.

I guess I'm a romantic. Call me rough and romantic. Girls like that.

If you have a great woman, you don't need family and friends.

I didn't know my own strength. I wasn't a bully or anything, but I'd be out playing and end up hurting someone. So I had to sit out or play with older kids.

I hate drugs. I drank a beer once and threw up.

I'm a Christian, and I forgive people. That's the mature thing to do.

I may be one of the very few people on earth that have won a championship in everything they've ever done.

When my mother bought me my first concrete weight set when I was 10, I was hooked. I was doing stuff with the weights that a kid shouldn't have been doing.

When I do retire, you won't see me in the ring, but I will be working in the back with the young guys.

Oh, man. I think if anybody deserves to be inducted into the Hall of Pain, it's Donald Trump.

Me and Sheamus have a natural chemistry.

I'm kind of glib.

Damien Sandow, he's a good entertainer. He keeps your attention.

I like to play around a lot. I would always flirt with the girls in the office and everybody just hanging around, sweet talk.

I want to go out in dramatic fashion. Win, lose, or draw, I want to have a retirement match, and a lot of guys have done it.

Back in the old days, guys used to wreck hotel rooms and trash rental cars and all that dumb stuff. When I came into wrestling, they were like, 'We're out of cars. You're one of those wrestlers. No, we're not renting a car to you.' It was like that. We had to re-create, re-establish the trust.

I like structure, and I like discipline and people doing the right thing.

If you're going to lose to somebody, losing to a guy like Brock Lesnar is not something that people will laugh at. Brock is arguably one of the top ten fighters on Earth.

I challenge anybody to go through their career and not have a failure as a talent.

The Attitude Era was something special.

Kids - young men find it uncool to be a dad, I think. It's very cool to me... I love being at home with my kids.