Oh my God, if you're talking terrible theme songs, you have to mention Matt Hardy. I can't understand what they're even saying. There's a point in Matt Hardy's song where it sounds like they say 'I want to meet the cheese.' I'm always like, 'Meet the cheese?' Just goofy stuff.

There's a lot to being a weightlifter. People think it's all brute strength. But it takes strength, quickness, flexibility, and technique. And it can cause a lot of stress.

At one point, I remember throwing Jerry Lawler so hard that he didn't touch either rope. He just went straight through and hit the barricade.

I have a good sense of humor. I'm not Martin Lawrence by any means. I'm a little too country to be Chris Rock. But I fancy myself as being somebody with a good sense of humor.

I always try to enjoy the moment.

What I want to be is James Bond.

Oh, I was a big Tony Atlas fan. I think I tried to throw my first dropkick because of Tony - and almost broke my shoulder.

The only thing better than winning a gold medal is going to Heaven.

I wasn't always 6' 4'' and 400 pounds.

It's humbling how my peers view me as not only one of the best Olympic power and weightlifters, but as an athlete.

To know that you will be in the International Sports Hall of Fame and that people for hundreds of years will know who you are and what you did, it means everything.

I want to be known as a great dad more than anything.

Being 19 years old and making the Olympic team on my last lift. I went 6-for-6 and had a perfect Olympic trial. Making the team and being one of the youngest to ever go to the Olympics was pretty special.

I was the first WWE developmental talent. When I moved to Connecticut to start training, I had no idea what wrestling was other than what I saw as a fan.

I was an unusually big kid for my age and did not know how to express myself after being targeted as the odd one out. I thus landed myself in trouble for reacting aggressively. But with time, I succeeded as an athlete and people started respecting me.

Daniel Bryan is one of my favorite wrestlers - as a talent, as an entertainer, the way our fans love and revere him. There's never been a match he and I have been in where it was bad.

A lot of athletes are stuck on themselves and don't want to socialize and that kind of thing. When I see that, I hate it.

I've always been a big guy. I weighed 220 pounds in the 5th grade.

The more you shine, the more positively people start looking at you.

I had vied for a championship; I had been involved in being a No. 1 contender, and having runs where I got close but I never got there. Being able to finally get there and be the guy to carry the load and carry it for a while, I felt like I arrived, and it validated my career.

At one point in my life, I thought getting old was a bad thing. Then I realized that the prestige, the respect, and the honor that people hold you at for being able to do anything for 20 years is well worth it.

Your political views should be your political views. I believe in business being non-partisan.

I usually eat whatever I want... about 5,000 to 7,000 calories a day.

The true measure of strength is through a squat and deadlift.