I want to explore the range of emotions it is possible to feel.

I'm a silly little needy person sometimes, and I crouch in a room all alone and think of all the people that I wish were with me.

I've always felt that Donald Trump was a Dickensian character because he is so ridiculous. With his hair and his arrogance, he is certainly Dickensian in his absurdity.

In terms of my development as an artist, playing Professor Sprout wasn't all that important because she is well within my capabilities as an actress. But in terms of marketability, it made an enormous difference.

I still miss my parents every day; I adored them. And when you have no children, friends are even more important to you.

I was waiting for a train at Waverley Station in Edinburgh. My knee was hurting, so I asked a young man for his seat. He replied, 'There's one over there'. I said, 'Please', and when he refused I poured my water over him.

I've been fat my whole life and pretended I don't mind. But I do mind. It's really stupid that I've gone on being greedy and fat.

I had a very good kiss from Bob Monkhouse once. I thought, 'If I was straight, I would go for Bob.'

Communication is something we all take for granted.

Home is wherever I hang my hat.

What's the difference between herpes and love? Herpes is forever.

I think life is sweeter shared; and if anything were to happen to my partner, I would find it really hard without her because she's the perfect person for my life.

Sydney has taken my money, Melbourne has my respect, but Adelaide has taken my heart; I shall return.

Nobody likes Jews. You can't say people like Jews. We're not popular. We're too smart to be liked. But it has been unacceptable to express anti-Semitism since the Holocaust.

I'm not a comedian, but I do make people laugh. I'm good at it.

My goal in wrestling was always to take people on a journey to get a reaction and make people feel like they had seen something special. Thankfully, I get reminded of that every day.

The fans still want to see me, sweat pants and all.

I remember being really hurt by a relative of a good friend of mine when I mentioned that someone was a great wrestler - she said, 'What do you mean? How can you be great at wrestling?' I stopped them and said, 'Do you think that what I do takes no talent whatsoever?' She realized how hurtful those words were.

I am a roller-coaster addict.

I leave my editor to put the periods and commas in.

I really enjoy watching the younger talent like The Shield rise up on the card and make a huge impact.

Bray Wyatt is one of the most captivating characters to come down the pike in ages.

I think what limited my role when I was WWE commissioner in 2000 was my reluctance to get back in the ring every now and then.

Probably better than anybody, I realized that I could have easily been one of those guys who was not seen as being a WWE-type guy.