I think you can always learn lessons by the guys who came before you.

If you're in my shoes, and your goal is to leave people with the biggest possible smile on their face, then doing the meet-and-greet afterwards makes sense.

Without knocking Impact Wrestling, your contribution was largely limited to what you could do in the TV show. WWE is a bigger company with a bigger infrastructure and a lot more ways to make a contribution.

I cannot look back and say I did everything I wanted to do in TNA.

Everything that you want Santa to be, he is.

I'm not a dabbler.

I did like Test, and he was a guy I kept in touch with for years after we stopped working together.

I was told that the fact that I had nothing but good things to say about Judith Regan distinguished me. I enjoyed writing for Judith. I really enjoyed working with Victoria Wilson at Knopf, and Simon & Schuster, they've all been great experiences.

Nakamura, to me, is a main event star.

I like those really multidimensional characters like Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt.

By the time I got to WWE, I had a lot more confidence and willingness to speak up.

I developed an interest in the history of the Negro leagues to the point where I visited the museum in Kansas City, Mo., twice and made the museum an integral part of my unheralded 2005 coming-of-age baseball novel, 'Scooter.'

You really can't go wrong. There's no bad New York pizza, as far as I know.

I really have to accept the fact that I'm not a young man anymore, that I've probably taken one lifetime's worth of punishment already, and I really do need to be careful. Certainly I don't want other WWE superstars taking the shots I did. That makes me feel very uncomfortable when I see somebody get hit with an unprotected chair shot.

I just feel like there's a better mind-to-pen connection for me than a mind-to-keyboard connection.

I see The Rock running in 2020 and being a two-term president. I think he would be great, and I'm joking when I say I think Stephanie McMahon wouldn't be a fine president of the United States. I think she's got the leadership qualities. I see those two as potential candidates, and I see Kane as a congressional leader.

I always welcome being part of something positive in WWE.

I loved George Carlin... I used to sit in front of the TV and watch the HBO comedy specials. I loved those comedy specials.

My greatest personal Survivor Series moment was facing The Rock in 1998 and having Mr. McMahon turn on me. That set into motion one of the best series of matches I've ever had and some of the most important with The Rock. Not only did we have great matches, but then we became teamed up following the rivalry, so that was big.

Triple H was one of the main proponents of women's wrestling.

I get to define for myself what being a success is.

I find that I get most of the same things I loved about performing in the ring when I do my live shows around the world.

At heart, I was always a performer, not a competitor.

Back in 2004, Vince McMahon basically told me to consider WWE to be my playground, and that I could come and play any time I wanted to.