There are guys who thrive completely on the action in the ring and see the promotion as a necessary evil, whereas I think it's so much easier to tell people what a tough guy you are, as opposed to backing it up.

It might surprise people to know that the person who convinced me to write the third memoir - 'The Hardcore Diaries' - was actually Vince McMahon.

The first few songs of the album 'Little Earthquakes' were unlike anything I'd ever heard.

Everybody in wrestling is looking at the information coming in on concussions. Everyone from the NFL to the WWE to TNA to the youth soccer groups around the country are realizing that there are dangers that weren't previously known.

Sooner or later, The Rock's going to get tired of that empty space on his mantle where an Oscar should be, and that's when I'll get the phone call for the buddy movie that finally makes his career.

I can look back now and say, 'Aw, that was a little dumb taking huge bumps onto concrete before a couple of hundred fans,' but if it wasn't for that attitude and that type of work ethic, I never would have gotten to WWE.

You want the match to be like a roller coaster, so you can't predict it.

Even though 'SmackDown' has been kind of like the Internet darling, I believe that if they had three hours instead of two, they would find out that it's tough to be a darling when you've got that massive three-hour anchor around your neck.

I saw James Ellsworth at an independent wrestling show where I was signing autographs, so I took a photo with him and put up a post on Facebook called 'The night I met James Ellsworth.' Just by nature of how popular that post was, how many comments there were and likes and shares, I was like, 'people love this kid.'

I lived in Alabama for a while during the dying days of the Continental Wrestling Federation. I lived in Montgomery and traveled all over Alabama.

I'm still a big wrestling fan. I buy the Pay-Per-Views. I think that gives me the right to speak out just like any other fan.

In 1999, I had my back against the wall, and WWE had a ghostwriter working on an autobiography for me. He was halfway through, and it was awful, just boring. I took over as a way of trying to fix things, as I thought I could probably do a better job.

I loved Steve Martin when I was younger, in the '70s.

On the 'SmackDown' side, A.J. Styles really has been phenomenal.

My mother wanted me to be a writer, which I have ended up taking a long road round to.

I get asked a lot about the Rock N' Sock Connection.

I would leave my wife for Whataburger.

In a sense, I think the WWE Universe has become one of the greatest characters of the modern era.

You have to believe in yourself. But you know what? There's a fine line between believing in yourself and being delusional. And I'm sure there were a lot of people who thought I was being delusional when they saw me attempting to become a big shot in the world of pro wrestling. Luckily, it worked out: it doesn't work out for that many people.

Edge goes out every night, and not just on pay per views; every night, Edge goes out there with the intention of stealing the show. I know that he felt like his title run had not been given the respect from the company that it deserved, and he was really hell-bent on proving that he belonged as a main event guy.

I haven't worn jewelry since one of the front teeth I had made into an earring became no longer necessary because I lost the ear.

I think doing The Improv is a little more ominous than doing a college campus because it was so different than anything I'd done.

Everybody has the idea of Santa in their head and in their heart.

I look back on my career and my time as commissioner with great fondness.