I haven't watched a lot of episodes of 'The Good Wife.' I never even saw the show until I signed on, and then I watched seven episodes.

The great thing about Starz is that there's not a lot of restrictions.

I feel like if you shoot one scene all day long or you take two days to do a scene, that scene is going to be stale.

My agent will say, 'Well, it's another graphic novel.' I don't care. It's better writing than anything else that's out there. The characters are much better.

I live in the woods, so really the only way you can get to me is if you send a letter.

I've worked with kids that are just horrendous, and it's mostly because of their parents.

If I could just make Westerns for the rest of my life, that's all I would do. It's my favorite movie to make. There's something about being a cowboy.

I love the challenge of having an audience know what you're thinking without having to tell the audience what you're thinking.

I've got a love affair with Harley-Davidson. One of my earliest photos with my dad is of him holding me as a baby on his bike.

I love myself a truffle. I can put a truffle in anything and make it good.

If it's football season, all things sort of stop. I'm from Seattle, so I'll watch the Seahawks and whatever other game that day is worthy.

What's special about Miami is the collision of cultures. And the white sand beaches and fantastic restaurants.

I have a lot of respect for what I do, for this profession.

It's just as easy for me to be building a fence somewhere and scraping by on unemployment in between doing a guest star spot. I've been there.

I literally will write Shonda Rhimes, the creator of 'Grey's,' an e-mail once a month or so and just say, 'Hey, I love you and thank you.' That was my moment. Because of that, I'm doing 'Magic City.'

Being an actor is a crazy way to spend one's life. It's the love of the game. Blind luck has a lot to do with it. Then you hope when you get your shot that you know what you're doing.

He is scary as the butcher, but you will not meet a lovelier, more interesting guy than Danny Huston. His stories leave me spellbound. I adore him.

I was a huge fan of the original Red Dawn. America and brothers, you can't beat that in my world. I think there's nothing greater.

Moths are okay. Actually, moths don't bother me near as much as, say, spiders do.

I usually play tough guys and stuff like that.

I think you judge your career by the scripts that are being sent your way.

I've always had a problem showing fear on a film.

Some nights, a romantic dinner can be killed by having to do dishes afterward, so it probably suits you better to go out for dinner. But I love cooking and always have.

Within a five-month period, I got 'Weeds,' 'Supernatural,' and 'Grey's.' I think a lot of it had to do with luck.