I think the challenge for me in this role is going to be, is there any heart in Negan? For me, I look at that as a challenge as an actor, and that's the kind of thing that I embrace and really look forward to.

I've become accustomed to playing the good guy - maybe a rough exterior, but a heart of gold in there somewhere.

It's mostly women who I get really weird fan mail from.

I do some of my best work when I'm dead.

My background was in graphic design, but when I was doing it, it was all hand-drawn stuff, not computers.

I think, before 'Watchmen,' I was the guy from 'Grey's Anatomy' who's a pretty good guy, a pretty charming sweet guy, and so as an actor, I really wanted to do something as far from that as I could.

Comedian sort of enjoys the darkness because, essentially, he's a thug. He's just not a nice guy.

To do this movie in a watered-down fashion or have these characters be watered down wouldn't have been near as effective. It wouldn't have been staying true to what this 'Watchmen' phenomenon is.

You kick around long enough, and good things can happen.

I've been kicking around this business for a long time.

Miami is not optimal for raising a child.

A family going through a divorce, a child under attack by a demon, all these things I could relate to.

I know that my foot is firmly wedged in the door, and I'll be damned if I pull it out, even for a second.

Not naming names, but it shocks me, some of the people who get the breaks.

I am a family man at heart.

I've done tons of guest spots and in parts where the character invariably dies or is dead.

I'm just a happy guy.

I'm not one of those guys who is going to dye his beard. I'm not that vain.

Turns out I'm getting old.

I've been dipping my toes back into TV.

The directors you want to work with are in the television world.

I like to push myself, you know.

I want to be with people I care about and hang out with my dogs.

I love acting, but the star part is not my bag.