You don't become a wrestler overnight. Like everything, it takes time and I wasn't born in this business.

When I dyed my hair red, the first week was traumatic because my pillows, my shower, my towels, my clothes and everything was red.

I went blonde in high school and it was so bad. My complexion and blonde gave that orange look.

When I first came into WWE, I got asked to change my hair to blonde just because I was a brand new girl and the Bella Twins had really dark hair and they were Mexican-Italian too so WWE didn't want me to get lost in the mix and start thinking there was a triplet in the mix.

To be a part of a 'WrestleMania' is so amazing, it's the biggest show that we put on besides 'SummerSlam.'

To me that's what's amazing about being a WWE Diva in that you get to be whatever character you want to be and for me being a bad girl is the easiest.

My biggest Diva moment was truly getting to go to Afghanistan with three other Divas and Superstars, as well as Vince McMahon, to give my thanks to all of the military and what they do. What job do you get that level of fulfillment?

I love food. Food is my love language.

Wrestling is maybe 10 percent of our job. Everything else is what we do outside the ring and that's really rewarding. I got to go to Afghanistan to visit the troops, work with Special Olympics, it's just one of those jobs that's once in a lifetime and we're lucky to do it.

I love the old school wrestling.

You never know, I could show up on a 'Monday Night Raw,' I could come down to 'SmackDown Live' and snatch that title real quick. Never leave me out, you never know what's creeping around the corner, if you know what I mean.

Going into an audition or putting yourself on tape, it's not the easiest thing to do especially because an audition is usually a camera and one person and then you have to bring to life this character.

Alcoholism is a disease. People will debate whether it is a disease of the mind, of genetics, or of circumstances. I don't have the answer to that debate, and frankly I don't care because when you try to pinpoint 'why,' it can often lead to blaming another person, an incident in your past, or circumstances.

There needs to be a little change in the Divas Division. I'll add some red spice to it for sure.

I'm going after the Divas Title for sure.

That's what I wanted to do - wrestle. Everything else that happened - 'Total Divas' and the main roster - came along so quickly.

Being on 'Total Divas' definitely prepared me. Because when you're on a reality show, you're used to cameras following you. However, the big difference with 'Big Brother' is they do not turn off.

My favorite word to use to describe myself is relentless.

It doesn't really matter what ethnicity you are, but I love that I'm bringing light to not only my Mexican side but also my Italian side.

My dream was always to be a professional athlete.

Depending on the day, I might be catching a flight, going to show, but no matter what when I wake up I got to get a workout in.

I am a 'Big Brother' fan, and I watched the first season of 'Celebrity Big Brother' as well.

I pride myself on not being a fake person.

Triple H has definitely been helping me out, and I appreciate that. I bounce ideas off of him.