Walking into the WWE I was brand new; I did not know how things worked. Deep down I wanted everyone to cheer and adore me but this is the WWE where it doesn't work that way all the time.

If I wanted my own kids, I would have them myself.

I think always in the back of my head I just have a business mind.

I think Levi's Stadium is phenomenal.

We are in the entertainment business so the fans are everything and without them I pretty much don't exist.

I think no matter what or no matter who you are you're always going to get some type of negativity, whatever that may be.

I'm really thankful for Triple H and our chairman Vince McMahon because when I came back from my surgery I basically was like, 'I want to be the face of this company and I want to bring something to the table.'

I definitely keep things very professional.

On any given night, you are likely to find me and my husband on the couch battling it out over a videogame.

Some days I'm on top of the world, and nothing can stop me, and I'm Super Woman, but I have trials and tribulations, too.

My parents are amazing. They support me with whatever I'm doing.

I would love to throw out the first pitch at AT&T Park at a San Francisco Giants' game.

It think some of my biggest fans are from the U.K.

I mean, no one has ever gotten to see what it's like to be a WWE Diva. Yes, we are all a bunch of athletes and we have to get down on the ring, but we also have to attend photo shoots and red carpets.

I personally was involved in going over to Afghanistan to meet the troops. My father was a marine, so that was just amazing.

You can never hold too much back because no one will ever really capture who the real Eva Marie is.

I try to switch things up by going for a bike ride or taking a SoulCycle class.

I indulge in Jell-O, pastries and my husband's home-baked chocolate-chip cookies.

I'm on the road more than 250 days a year for the WWE. It can be challenging to find time to work out.

At one of the live events somebody had a sign that said 'If Eva Marie Is Here We Riot.' I thought that was pretty cool.

Sometimes things fall the way you want them, and sometimes they don't.

I'm half Mexican so Mexican food I could just eat every single day.

I'm not that cool with people who lie straight to my face multiple times.

I try to break a sweat every single day. Whatever that may be, if it's even just going for a walk or a run.