There is a certain amount of conflict that comes with being a 'Housewife.' It is not a comfortable position. If you are comfortable, you aren't doing your job.

It's all too easy to say, 'You didn't have a dad, therefore, you married an older man.' Listen, I didn't marry my dad. My dad is much younger than my husband.

I don't know him. I didn't grow up with my father. We don't speak.

Nobody's ever going to marry me for my cooking skills.

I'm never going to be a gourmet cook.

I'm very firm in my beliefs.

I was a starving artist.

My husband's a lawyer, and I lived a lawyer's wife's life.

I'm a big sports fan and go to games.

When I do my makeup, it doesn't look professional.

All artists, no matter who they are, have always come into contact with criticism. No one's gonna like what you do 100 percent of the time.

Not everybody wants to be on TV, believe it or not.

Who knows what happens with 'Housewives?' I will say this, what a great opportunity to have been on the show, and the doors that it's opened for me, and I have nothing but great things to say about the show.

Listen, I'm rebellious. Okay? I always have been.

I had everything that you want. Every material object. Everything. But inside my core I still wasn't satisfied.

Before I was cast on 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,' I had secretly quit Erika Jayne altogether.

'Chicago' has got such great women characters. It runs off two women, so what could be better than that?

I made dance records and the gay community gravitated toward them. They gave me a place to really shine, a place to develop, and a place to spread my wings - I'll forever be grateful for that.

Both my husband and I come from very modest backgrounds. He's obviously done very well, and I've worked hard all my life and done well, too.

I think that I've enjoyed my time on 'Real Housewives.' It's been a great opportunity, and I've had a lot of fun and have been able to see a lot of great things and meet some really cool people.

I have a great family, and I have a great home, husband, and son. So I think that's probably all anyone ever needs anyway. Everything else is the icing on top of the cake to be quite honest.

I think as more women see that there are women out there building vibrant and creative and powerful lives and careers in their 40s, 50s, etc., then these older views of ageism will fall away.

You create real friendships through a growth process. It's not just, oh hi, we're friends! That's very childlike. True adult friendships take time, understanding, and it's a plant that needs to be watered and tended to so that it blossoms.

I grew up with gay family members, and I went to a performing arts high school. So I grew up in children's theater, musical theater, and all of my life has been around the LGBT community.