I think that's what makes marriage work - when you allow each other to be strong in their chosen profession; when you support each other and love each other.

I lived Tom Girardi's legal life with him first 10 years of our relationship. I went to every legal organization, every event - all of those groups he belonged to and those speeches he gave.

I've become rather desensitized to how much sexy I put out.

I'm a very guarded person, very controlled person.

I had never, ever thought about being on any 'Real Housewives' show, so it was interesting to actually be on one.

Whether I'm performing in a club or onstage as Erika Jayne, whether I'm making records, whether I'm doing TV, I've got to entertain, and I have to take people away from their space and bring them into mine.

You know, I entertain whether I'm on 'Housewives,' or whether I'm on 'Dancing With the Stars,' or whether I'm on 'Young and the Restless.'

After dinner, there is no eating until the morning. My mom was really big on that.

The television in my bedroom is always on, so after I get out of the bath and put on my jammies, I sit in bed, curled up in my comforter with Tom, and we watch the news together until we fall asleep.

My breakfast is egg whites, avocado and grilled tomatoes. Lunch is usually some type of chicken and then for dinner... I like to eat. I'll eat pasta even though I'm not supposed to.

I've grown up disciplined all my life as a dancer, so I know how to eat and work out.

As human begins, we all have layers to ourselves, you know?

Erika Girardi likes her hair straight with a lot of product, just a really good blow-dry. Erika Jayne likes her hair ropey with a lot of product, really rock star and wild.

I'm a big dreamer.

I trust my gut a lot.

I don't think anyone should tap you on the shoulder and tell you that it's time to sit down and retire.

I like to describe my style as S&M chic with a little hood-rat appeal.

I like fashion. I enjoy playing with it.

As you begin to develop real relationships and bonds it gets harder because sometimes you say things to people and hurt their feelings and you really care about them.

I think anything you take on you should want to be the best.

My ultimate goal was to make the music that I wanted to make, and give shows. I was never going to get a major label deal - I never wanted a major label deal - so I was really free to express myself.

People see me and assume one thing, and they get to know me and see that there's more there.

No matter what city I'm in, I'm always trying to run down a new Panthere ring.

I have a lot of sapphires in my collection.