White diamonds can get boring, so I love a colored stone.

I like to fish. I love to stay outdoors.

You have to work to look good. You don't wake up and effortlessly look fabulous.

I think my mother and grandmother had style even though we're humble Southern people.

Erika Jayne was born out of rebellion. I like to break the rules.

There was this moment in my father's house where he said, 'My wife, she never had any kids and I never had any kids.' Yeah... He had never acknowledged my existence.

I don't have a makeup bag, I have a makeup artist!

If you have long hair that gets styled all the time, or if you're dancing and working out, dry shampoo is essential because you don't want to wash your hair every day.

I will always be fashion. I try to pull it together. I think that comes from a sense of self. That's how you create your own look.

That's the one thing I loved most about Tom when my son was younger was that he welcomed him with open arms. I'm very thankful. That's my guy.

I would have never thought to write a memoir, but I'm glad I did it.

If I'm not working I'm not wearing makeup. The skin needs to breathe.

You have to treat your skin very tenderly. You can't be aggressive with your skin.

I'm very afraid of the dark. I even have a night light.

Being able to express yourself under the name Erika Jayne and saying things people want to say but wouldn't, or doing things that people want to do but don't, or taking that extra leap of faith or pushing the levels of sexuality, or whatever, that helps Erika Girardi stand on her own two feet and be calm and peaceful.

There are two different sides of my personality, much like everyone has two different sides of their personality. I mean, it's a profession... It's something that I do. And I'm not Erika Jayne 24 hours a day.

I have a really great bathtub, and I unwind by taking baths.

I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and I honestly started performing for my family when I was around three. I would jump up on the coffee table and I would get in the closet and ask that they introduce me to come out, and from that point on, my mother stuck me in dance class and children's theater.

I'm a showman. I believe that you're a character every time you put on clothes.

It's great to have financial support. But having someone's emotional support is something that I wish I had more of growing up.

There are photos of me with my Pony trucker hat, sideways. Truly, awesomely, horrible.

'Confirmation' is the movie I'm super proud to be a part of.

It's funny to say its fun to explore someone's really rough time, but it is. It's exciting.

I love the idea of my daughter looking back at her childhood and growing up with a dog.