I cheated once on a spelling test. I didn't know how to spell period. I leaned over the desk and looked at someone else's paper. I was probably ten or something like that.

Making a movie is a little bit like high school. Because everybody lives together, and you see each other every day, and word travels fast around there.

The SAT is not particularly relevant to my life.

It was when I met everybody on 'The Perfect Score' that, like, nightclubs became a thing.

After 'Traffic,' I was a total homebody. I was still a kid.

I told my parents I wanted an agent, and they decided to let me have a go at it. Then I started working right away. I was 12.

I was going to school with a girl who was an actor. And I was, like, 'No, I want to be an actor.'

Working with a kid is just so interesting to see.

Jason Katims is fantastic.

I tend to be a fan of darker shows and love 'The Americans,' 'Ray Donovan,' 'True Detective,' 'House of Cards' and 'Peaky Blinders.'

I can change my mind and can learn other things. And anything I don't know, I'm capable of learning if I so desire or if it's necessary.

There's a lot in Scientology that develops confidence because there is peace, I think, that I've gotten just to know that what I do know, I do know.

There's no one who has more authority over my life than me. And I can learn things myself and how to communicate to other people and how to apply with the rules of life.

I don't want to shut the door and only be thought of as the dark girl.

For the first six years of my career, I was relegated to those girl-next-door, sweet, cheerleader kind of roles, and it was really frustrating for me because you don't have to do much acting.

I have so many pairs of riding pants that are from the store at the stables in Burbank where you can go ride your horse at. I don't ride a horse, but I do wear the pants! I love them!

I've found that a lot of my male friends have great style and great appreciation for designers.

My grandmother was a flight attendant; my mother had a pilot's license, and my grandfather was a pilot. That's how my grandmother and grandfather met.

I know lots of people who eat raw, vegetarian, or vegan. I'm not into any of those things. I believe in eating enough so your body will actually run.

I went through this rebel period where I didn't want to dress up.

When I first started going on the red carpet, I wore a lot of Armani, but I didn't really have my own style apart from that. I think I was just lazy.

There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet, so there are a lot of characters to play.

I think that's just a natural instinct as an actor is that you want to just keep exploring humanity and finding different facets of it.

Having convenience when it comes to fueling your body is definitely an important thing.