It's dangerous that we can all paint a completely false picture of ourselves.

I've always been frightened of turning thirty.

I will now be very mindful about it, and if I feel like I've been on my phone too much one day, I'm going to be more conscious of that and not be so obsessed.

I don't make any plans. When I finish one job, I make the most of some time off, then get back on it again.

You can't have an organised life and a five year plan and be an actor.

The most important thing in the world is the moment you're in now, so take it and be grateful.

There's so many different kinds of beauty.

If you ever get a chance to just plonk yourself out of the world for a bit - do it! It's so amazing.

I will never doubt myself again.

I have been brought up in an environment which was quite an exciting childhood.

My whole family are in the entertainment industry. It is always something I was used to; I was quite lucky growing up. To all my friends, it was quite exciting, but to me it was quite normal.

I got really bored of sitting around waiting for work or for the next movie to come along that only 100 people would see. I got bored of being skint, of twiddling my thumbs, wondering how to take my life to the next stage.

I thought I was weak and couldn't be on my own. But actually, I can do it; I just need to be a bit braver.

I've been in relationships and had long-term boyfriends since I was 13, so I've always had that emotional pillar of support. I'd got to a point where I felt like I couldn't live without that.

I've learned that I need to appreciate time by myself and that I don't need a partner to complete me.

You've got to learn to laugh in the face of adversity.

I want it to resonate: there's no rule for how to live your life. You can do things your own way.

I've had a lot of hilarious things happen to me.

I've had an incredible upbringing, but it was quite chaotic.

It's a shame - we've got so many hilarious women, and think there's a certain repression there.

Just because we wear hair extensions and make-up doesn't mean we're the punchline for every joke.

From being on a panel show, they always need the blonde airhead sat in a corner they can make fun of, and I'm here to go, 'No, we're not the punchline.'

I think we're all guilty of judging, and I look a certain way - I wear a lot of make-up and fake tan.

I think as a blonde person with make-up on, you're automatically the punchline to the joke.