That was the biggest fear for me - being seen without my straight hair, my makeup or fake tan, being seen without my armour on. That terrified me.

It is hard as an actor when you are typecast at a really young age and come out of that pigeonhole thing.

I'm not saying I won't get dolled up again, but I'm not going to worry about it all so much.

My ex-boyfriend didn't hear me fart once, and we were together six years. I hated the thought of grossing him out, so I think some things should be left to do privately.

I'm a believer in feeling good in your skin, so I put bikini pics on my Instagram.

I can survive in the jungle, so now I can do anything.

In the jungle, you learn about the other beauties in life. In everyday life, it's all about looking perfect, but in there, there's none of that.

Everyone is comparing lives on social media and wants the perfect body, perfect image, perfect outfit, perfect life - we're striving for this perfection, and it's so unhealthy because there's no such thing as perfection.

Fans recognize me all over the place. But the second you need anything, they're never around! They're like the police!

I think taking care of yourself, health-wise, in every way, is a 100 percent winner.

There were a lot of lyrics that I sang but didn't understand. But I had this facade in performance of looking like I wrote the book.

I think I have more humour in me than anger. But those two things are great bed-fellows, performance-wise.

I love audiences. My God, the best friends in the world!

If I see someone saying the rosary in the wings, I know they've got talent.

I smoked, I drank, I did all the kicking my heels up type things, but I went to Mass on Sunday.

I loved being on Broadway, but performing has become exhausting, and I just don't want to live in New York anymore. I'm just sick of the competition in New York, the feeling that I always have to rehearse to keep up my performance. I don't feel like rehearsing, even though it should be my favorite thing in the world to do.

I'm loaded with talent.

I love New York. I went to New York to become an actress, and I did it. And I won all the awards known to man. And I'm happy. And I came home. I came, I saw, I conquered. And it feels great.

When the hospital sends for me, when the ambulance comes and I ease my way out of the world, I'd rather be in Detroit, Michigan, than Lenox Hill.

I like glasses so I can go out without my makeup. Just grab your coat and get your hat and go.

I like celebrities. I love people who are famous. Always have.

My biggest dream was to get out of Michigan - to discover life beyond the Sacred Heart Convent.

I don't think I'm gonna die tomorrow or even two weeks from now, or even ever. I just don't know - who the hell knows what's gonna happen to them? Nobody! Isn't that comforting? Nobody has a clue. I like that we don't know. And I like that it's somebody else's decision, not mine.

Isn't this fantastic, what a star I am?