When I'm playing comedy, it is such a crap shoot of what will work and what won't.

Certain type of actresses get younger instead of older. I always say, 'Only ingenues age.'

Why haven't I made more movies? Nobody asked me.

My movie career - if such a thing even exists - is laughable.

Fear is the base of what everybody does wrong in their lives.

I have not had any of that surgical stuff. I am too curious to find out exactly how I progress every day of my life naturally. That is what fascinates me.

I tell the truth, and it has gotten me into a lot of trouble. My dad used to say to me, 'If you tell the truth all day long, you will end up in jail.'

I don't wear a wig. I'd feel terrible onstage with a wig. I hate to be so 'Actors Studio'-ish, but I like to feel it's me out there.

This age thing is all up to you. It's like happiness is up to you. You just have to understand what it is before you get it.

The closer a part is to you, the harder it is to play. Anything else is just imitation. If I'm playing a Russian countess, I get the hat, the accent, the outrageousness. Easy. Playing a murderess? Perfect.

As a diabetic, I'm a walking picnic. I have to eat measured amounts of food at certain times.

For me, going to London is like coming home. In fact, I've often entertained the idea of ending my days there.

I love reviews. Anybody who tells you they don't read reviews is a liar.

I do believe in the infallibility of the Pope, because I think we have to believe in something.

I think the most interesting New Yorkers are the people who were not born here.

I never found anyone who could look after me as well as I could look after myself.

What I want to understand is what I am talking about on the stage. What I don't want to understand is what the government is talking about when the government tells me about taxes.

When I want to do something badly enough, I do it, but there is a practical side of me that thinks I should be paid fairly.

I care about money, very much. I want it. I don't ever want to be without it. My mother once said about me, 'Elaine has to have money.'

I think it's the wrong way around to say, 'When you get older move to the country.' I think when you get older you move to New York.

I'm a hotel baby, absolutely: it's hard to think of a hotel I haven't stayed in.

There's something that really frightens me - and that's fear.

If I see a great performance on television, onstage, in the movies, I go to work the next day with a renewed energy and less fear. These great artists take me out of my life and make me want to go there.

I am not influenced by other human beings. But I am inspired.