I struggle getting ready for things.

I am so proud of my parents. Through all that, they're best friends; they still go to curries together. You don't have to be together to show an example of how a relationship can work.

It's weird because I do act like best friends, but still, I don't sit there and say my mum's my best friend. That doesn't really cover it.

I want a part playing a really ugly geek, with no make-up and my hair all tied back, so I could just be a character without worrying how I look.

Divorce, splitting up a family, is a terrible thing.

I get one horrible comment very rarely, and I wouldn't say I'm a victim of awful, constant trolling like a lot of people are in the industry.

I'm on camera all the time, so being body confident is important.

For ice skating, you really have to block out your fears and throw yourself into it - there must be trust in your partner and a trust that you will be safe.

I have a great life, amazing family and friends, so it's easy for people to be like, 'What have you got to be sad about?' But it's not that; it's a chemical imbalance in your brain that sometimes needs to be treated.

I have learned that I am terrified of everything, but I can get the job done.

If I looked like a Victoria's Secret model, I would still get nasty comments.

I used to use Facetune to get rid of blemishes, and slimming apps because I was scared of being called fat, but no more.

I think, as an actor, you are constantly playing other people. I would like people to get to know me on a more personal level.

I find it so hard to lose weight: it takes me weeks and weeks of dieting and training just to lose three pounds.

If you're part of a show that is watched by millions of millions of people, of course there are going to be nasty comments. You can't take them personally.

You are taught about puberty and the menopause and how tough they can be, but a quarter-life crisis, you're not prepared for.

I have been through a lot in my life, my parents divorced when I was 16, and it was a very difficult time.

I bet I would make a really good daughter-in-law.

I avoid social media and articles with negative comments about myself, because the first few times that I got called 'fat' broke my heart; it absolutely destroyed me. It's awful when someone says something like that to you.

Fame can be a double-edged sword, and you have to take the bad with the good. The highs are incredibly high, and the lows can be incredibly low.

I take each thing as it comes and appreciate everything that's in front of me now because people in this industry are so fixated on the next thing that they don't enjoy the moment. It passes you by, and all of a sudden, it's over.

I'm not a tart. I feel like I've been treated like one in the past.

I love Instagram and photography.

My whole life, I've been judged for how I look, which is part and parcel of being in the public eye, playing sexy roles and posing for lad's mags, but I want people to like me for my personality and brain.