Being happy is a beauty. It's not about having the perfect face or perfect make-up.

My advice to anyone is to try to go cold turkey of make-up and fake tan and see how liberating it feels.

The jungle has taught me to accept who I really am - my skin is play and freckly, my bum and hips are big, and my hair is frizzy - that's who I am.

'Adulting' will cover some topics that I, as a young woman, constantly think and worry about, so I hope others find it relatable - and funny!

I fancy all the Disney princes, obviously. I also fancy some objects and animals that are in Disney films, like the French Candlestick from 'Beauty and the Beast,' and I used to be slightly jealous of the feather duster that he used to slightly get off with.

I fancy cartoons; don't even get me started on 'Aladdin.'

I have so much self-acceptance.

In this industry, it's very fickle; you don't know where you are.

I don't have any real phobias, but I don't like creepy crawlies just like everyone else.

I definitely feel the pressure to lose weight and be smaller than I am.

It's not all about having the perfect body, perfect hair, perfect smile.

Some bloke said to me in a restaurant whilst I was eating my dinner, 'No, stop. Starvation suits you.'

I love food so much. I love cheese and champagne and salads, fries, yum.

I could do with losing a few pounds off my bum, but I enjoy my social life and going out for dinner far too much to have the nicest bum in the world.

I'd got into the habit of needing that security, love, and acceptance from a guy to make me happy.

In America, funny women are allowed to be glamorous and funny, but over here, you're not.

There have been auditions where they've said nicely, 'Would you be willing to go to the gym for this role?'

I had so much self doubt in the past, but I'm trying to push myself.

I'm deleting all my editing apps I used to slim myself down and airbrush pics.

Growing up, my brother and sister were my best friends in the world - and still are.

She's gorgeous, my mum: one hell of a woman.

I know I'm in a very appearance-driven industry, but this is who I am, and there's no point starving myself into someone I'm not.

I've learned to accept who I am.

I worry about things constantly.