Scientology helps me in acting to focus on communication.

When a woman makes up her mind, she gets what she wants.

At the premiere for 'Leave It to Beaver,' I was walking down the red carpet, and they were screaming my name, and I'm wondering, 'What do I do?' So I had to think, 'OK, calm down, one person at a time.' Everything is kind of rattling, but afterwards, my publicist said I did really good.

I'm not straight up and down. I have curves.

I'm never going to be the best skater, but I feel like I'm getting better.

I'm dying to do a drama.

I've never really had the confidence to sing in front of people; then, I got into acting.

I love Keith Lemon. I love Holly Willoughby.

Sometimes it's hard to admit, though, especially if you're known as a happy person, because you feel you're letting people down if you're not being happy 24 hours a day.

I'm naturally a very happy person, but I've had times with depression and have got through it with therapy.

This is the thing: I get motion sickness.

The 'Celeb Juice' job was never mine - people just guessed - but it was quite funny to watch the rumours.

I sounded like a fantasist at school when you'd go round the class, and they'd say, 'What do Mummy and Daddy do?' I was like, 'Mummy's an actress, and Daddy's a musician, and he plays his guitar with Bonnie Tyler.' And the teachers used to, like, roll their eyes, like, 'She's mental!'

I've been told I'd get so much more work if I was smaller, but going out for dinner and drinks with my friend is more important to me than size.

I'm just a regular size, and I'd love to see more women like that cast in lead roles.

In this industry, there's a massive pressure to be a certain weight.

I've done a lot of film, so I'd like to get back into television.

When In The Style came to me asking if I wanted to do a collection, I said very clearly what kind of collection I wanted it to be, and the lovely thing was that they were looking to do the same kind of thing. I stated that I didn't want any retouching, and I want the women modelling the clothes to represent all women.

A social life is just as important to me as my work life because I think if you have a healthy balance of the two, you'll be really happy.

My social life is so important to me.

Being a curvy girl, I've always, in the past, dressed just what's flattering rather than what I actually really want to wear. I'm trying to say that you can wear whatever you want.

I'm not afraid to admit I have therapy. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it really does help.

I have amazing, amazing fans who are just lovely.

I am so lucky in that I have the most incredible followers and support network.