I had a big 'New York Times' crossword puzzle phase.

I'm an NPR and KCRW person.

If being a skateboarder were a personality type and not actually an athletic activity, then I'd say I'm a skateboarder. But I don't ride one. I'm a bicycle person.

I'm close with my whole family, but it requires email and texting because they don't all live nearby!

I don't have a 'Life's short, play hard' type of philosophy. That's about fear. I tend to think that life is very long - but you should still play hard.

Love scenes feel very mechanical. But our whole job is to make it look real.

I look like a sweet, corn-fed kid. My roles are my rebellion.

I think part of the beauty of our relationship with jewelry is that it can change and evolve as we do ourselves.

Growing up, I was a bit of a tomboy; feminine things took a while to find their place in my world. But diamonds made me understand the magic and beauty of jewelry.

I want to do an action movie where they say, 'Go the gym and get ripped like Linda Hamilton.'

I love to dance and sing.

Those auditions - you sit down, and literally the whole time you're there, they scrutinize you, and you know that. But you can't take it personally.

I didn't plan on going to college, at least not a full-time schedule. I still have that plan. I may take some individual classes at some point as an indulgence.

If I can't find anything good, I am just going to have to get my butt in gear and start learning how to do everything.

I know I am eventually going to want to write or produce.

I'll continue doing good projects.

My first thing was a McDonald's commercial.

There are times when I think, 'I'm going to get this part. I know I am. I'm going to get this.' And then I don't, and I'm wondering, 'What happened? I went back five times!'

Sometimes, I get so annoyed when other people brag. And sometimes, I know that I'm better than that or I've got something better in the works; I don't say anything. I just say, 'Really? That's great.'

Work hard; be ethical.

Number one, as an audience member, I tend to like violent movies and TV shows because it's not real.

Erinn Hayes is hysterical in person, and I love that.

I wrote and recorded a song that I highly doubt I will release. The lyrics are somewhat risque. I may have to create an alter ego, and she can be the 'singer.'

I want to do a love story. I really want to do a love story.