There is nothing better than to have the support of your family.

In WWE, I focused more on Olympic lifting. I had to make sure that I was physically able to lift another human being at all times.

I think the thing that stands out for me is that in the WWE, we were in a new city every night.

In the ring, you're constantly working out and honing your craft, and you're doing the same thing with acting, too - taking classes and working with vocal coaches.

I think the hustle is just in my blood - always hungry, never satisfied.

I really want to expand with movies and I would love to land on a TV show, like a Netflix original series, that would be fantastic.

I love talking to The Rock. He's done the transition from WWE to the mainstream so well.

You have to put your body through a lot of physicality with wrestling.

Being a WWE Diva is all about women empowerment.

I myself have gone through a lot of trials and tribulations with insecurity and body dysmorphia, and stuff like that.

When I go home to visit my parents, my mom is your typical Mexican loving mom. She wants to cook and feed everybody.

In the morning before all the craziness happens, I make sure to pray, and I'll put aside 10 minutes to meditate. I feel when I do that, I'm able to get through my day a lot better.

I'm definitely always trying to put my hand in as many things as possible.

Divas who say they don't want to be champion are lying.

When I first started in WWE, that was my first time being on social media.

I'm super fiery. I'm a go-getter. No matter what, I'm relentless at what I do so I feel like that shines through.

Being a Diva, you're a professional athlete and then you get to entertain. It's the best of every aspect, all in one. That's why I fell in love with it.

I did every sport and I played soccer in college.

I went to a 'Divas' search because I live in L.A. It continued from there. The final portion was in-ring training. I fell in love with it the first day.

Confidence and ambition are the most attractive qualities to me, and knowing what you want and being upfront about it is a big part of that.

It's not like I like to start drama, or go around looking for a fight.

I'm super competitive and love to feel that pressure and drive to win!

Now that I have the training behind me, I think that really shows I do have the skills and talent to become a well-rounded wrestler.

The crowd reaction is something that I definitely love. When I first started if I walked out from behind that curtain and heard a pin drop or deafening silence, then you have to look at switching something up.