I don't think its good for the soul to invest too much of yourself in technology.

One can only improvise what one knows.

I've never been that bothered about doing stage or television. I just love doing films. With theatre, it goes on night after night.

I kind of drifted into acting through a series of coincidences.

I'm much more Buddhist. I mean, I'm not a Buddhist. I should be so lucky to be a Buddhist, a real Buddhist, but of all the things I investigated, that seems to make the most sense to me.

I would consider myself one of the least misogynistic men in the country - if anything, just the opposite.

'An Inspector Calls' is a British classic, and I am thrilled to be working on this beautiful screen adaptation with Aisling Walsh.

It's a bit odd to have a daughter who sounds American.

In the prepping for 'Azkaban,' I read 'Azkaban' and 'Goblet of Fire.'

I used to write out of angst. My writing was quite miserable, quite angry, even when it was funny. It was based on this sadness and tired emotional disdain for the world.

Trying to keep a relationship going on the phone is disastrous.

What we do is ridiculous! I think that even when what I'm doing is serious, even when I'm not turning into a werewolf. It's a silly thing to do, isn't it? It's what you do in the playground when you're kids - but actors just never stop doing it.

Dad worked in the same shop, behind the same counter, five or six days a week, for 38 years, and hated it.

No matter what one looks at and finds temporarily pleasing, it can never be as beautiful as just a tree, really.

I am the sort of guy who does go to modern art shows.

The thing about 'Harry Potter' is it's great fun because of the people - I was usually with Julie Walters and Mark Williams, Brendan Gleeson, Robbie Coltrane, and the kids. Wonderful, funny, amazing people. If you're going to hang around on a set bored, you might as well do it with Julie Walters.

I thought 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory' was terrible. I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, so I don't know what went wrong with that.

I'm not one of those people who's against doing remakes.

I don't worry. I'm more stoical. Of course I have insecurities. I fear getting older. I fear death and illness. I'm not prone to depression, but I get depressed because everybody gets depressed. Suddenly I'm away from my family or doing a job I'm not enjoying.

I'd been a stepparent for about two years with a woman who had a child, and I came to realize I adored children and was good with them. So I was very happy when Anna got pregnant.

I'd only read a bit of the first book. And I just knew about all the media furor over it. But I'd not read books 2 or 3. I'd just read a bit of it. And I'd seen the films.

It wasn't the greatest script in the world, but not many people can say they've played a wicked king in a swashbuckling Arthurian special-effects monster movie.

Restoration I did because I really loved e novel and I like Michael Hoffman, who directed it, but it wasn't a really challenging part for me. I'm not critical of the film: I just don't think I gave a very interesting performance.

The very best thing about doing it is seeing the reaction on kid's faces when you tell them you've done it.