You have to believe in yourself.

Gene Kelly was hard on me, but I think he had to be.

Every performer should learn a little bit of everything.

My mother, Maxine, was married at 16 to my father Raymond, and in 56 years together, he was the only man she ever had.

I like being a Girl Scout.

Lana Turner and Ava Gardner were my special friends at MGM.

I tour all year, 42 weeks a year, so it's hard for me to remember every place I play.

I got to sing a wonderful song called 'I Ain't Down Yet.' Well, I ain't.

Bette Davis was a close friend. She loved to have a good time.

I gave it all that I had, and it's gratifying that others seem to be receiving it so well.

You just never give up. You do a task to the best of your abilities and beyond.

If your husband's going to leave you for anyone, it might as well be Elizabeth Taylor.

He caressed my backside. I had heard that he was famous for his 'admiration' of the ladies, but I didn't expect him to be handling my booty. As handsome as Prince Philip is, I wasn't sure if he was making a pass or just exercising some royal rights to squeeze the foreigners.

I love having my ghosts, and I love having my memories.

'Singin' in the Rain' and childbirth are two of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life.

As soon as I have the script in my hand, I'll be up in my apartment room pacing up and down learning it because it's just such a lovely thing to do.

I wanted to do 'Fargo' rather than do a TV production. I've been offered TV things over the years, but usually, that's about that I don't want to be away from home for that long because it's a long time to be away your home country and my family.

I often do that with characters, going back to my bloody drama-school days, in terms of equating them with creatures. And it's very much there as a theme of all the seasons of 'Fargo' as well: the predator and the prey.

The whole question of 'What is truth?' seemed to be the theme of Trump's presidency.

I think I've had more fun playing Varga than I've had for quite a number of years playing anything.

I've realized over the years I either play very good people or very bad people, and I think I always enjoy the very bad people more.

What is truth? What is a true story? Who is telling the truth, and what is truth in this world today?

I think Varga is a manifestation, certainly, and someone who can thrive and profit from the world's failure and has worked out the operation, whatever the operation may be, that he's about, which will remain a mystery.

I don't think they should trust anything that happens in 'Fargo' at all, and I'm sure 'Fargo' fans know not to make the mistake of trusting too much.