Travel is hard, but entertaining is joy.

All the training at MGM came to be a great help for me on 'Molly Brown.'

Fred Astaire was retired when he worked in 'The Pleasure of His Company.' They were lucky to get him to play the father part.

I should see a board of directors who should vote on who I should date.

I'm always sad to see a relationship not work, but what happens between two people is not my business.

My son, Todd Fisher- he has been such a wonderful son and brother.

People used to call her Debbie Reynolds' daughter. Now they call me Princess Leia's mother!

As a parent, you must give your opinion. And if that causes a breach, then it causes a breach.

You don't have to be angry and become an ugly person.

I'm very religious. I believe that things happen, and you have to go along with them.

I was just a beginner, and she and I were not in any manner alike, but we got along very well because I was in awe of going to school with Elizabeth Taylor.

If love alone could cure our children, they would always be well.

Carrie is my child, and I love her with every ounce of strength I possess.

Too many mothers have lost their children, for thousands of different reasons.

It's not natural to outlive your child. This has always been my greatest fear.

I want happiness for my daughter - I want Carrie to be happy.

It took, like, 30 years for Carrie to be really happy with me. I don't know what the problem ever was. I've had to work at it.

I've always been a good mother, but I've always been in show business, and I've been on stage, and I don't bake cookies and I don't stay home.

We were very old-fashioned. My preacher at church told me I could not go in to the movies because it would make me a 'wanton woman.'

I was raised to think that if you behaved badly with men, you went to hell. I realise now it is puritanical and not very adult.

I believed that the husband takes care of the family, and the wife takes care of him, and they are true to each other. I know that sounds a romantic illusion, but it can be true.

My first husband ran off with Elizabeth Taylor.

I wish I could have been more enlightened at 18 and learned more about men because I could have avoided all the traps.

I was just like Jennifer Aniston with Brad Pitt when he fell in love with Angelina Jolie.