It takes a long time to realize a situation is for real, and then you finally face it.

I don't have an agent - I have the William Morris Agency.

Drama's unhappy, and playing someone unhappy would make me unhappy.

Manic depressive is a disease.

I went to the school of hard knocks.

I don't know fancy big words, because I didn't have a rich mother who sent her to fancy schools.

We slept in the park before we had a house, and eventually we shared a home - my parents, my grandparents and five uncles, my family, all of us - on White Oaks Street by Magnolia Street near the railroad. Those were hard times, but I loved living there.

We were rather poor, but we always had what we needed.

I always feel, as a mother does, that I protect her. Who will do that when I'm gone?

Hollywood has been an enormous part of my life, as I know it has been for countless fans all over the world.

My lifetime dream has been to assemble and preserve the history of the Hollywood film industry.

It's very hard when your child doesn't want to talk to you and you want to talk to them, and you want to touch them, you want to hold them.

All of my husbands have robbed me blind.

Fred Astaire was my dream dancer.

Music will bring you through... It brought me through.

That's what I love about dance. It makes you happy, fully happy.

We didn't have any real proper school. We did not have a place to go to learn to dance and the joy of dancing.

'The Unsinkable Molly Brown' was my favorite for me to be in because it was all dancing. There were other musicals that I made with Donald O'Connor and Gene Kelly that were wonderful pictures, and we had a lot of fun making them.

Those were hard times, but I loved living there. I would walk on the tracks, hopping, skipping. I enjoyed the neighborhood, I enjoyed El Paso. I remember being chased by tumbleweeds on windy days; they came up to my neck.

We all knew each other in the neighborhood. I loved living in El Paso. I had a wonderful childhood there.

I always loved to entertain and show off in front of the neighbors. I would sing and dance at their houses.

I spent some special years in my hometown of El Paso.

I knew Mrs. Liberace. Lee and I were great friends. I know the whole inside story.

When you were under contract, you did what you were told to do.